Evaluasi Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik Di Kantor Camat Tompaso Kabupaten Minahasa

Jeferson Glandy Lumentah, Jhonny Hanny Posumah, Martha Ogotan


Abstract : Sub-district as a public service agency has a duty to provide services to the public, so
that the Civil Service will also determine the success of the public service. This research is to
answer how the performance of the Civil Service to Improve Public Services Head office
Tompaso Minahasa,This study uses a qualitative method. In this case the performance
indicators used are productivity, kaualitas service, responsiveness, renponsibilitas, and
accountability. Informants in this study were taken from the community, the old law, and an
employee at the office of Head Tompaso (7 people), Law Tua (4 people), and people (5 people) of
data collection by interview: while the analysis of data using analysis techniques interactive
model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed: (1) The level of productivity is quite good
views from the successful implementation of programs and activities that have been set. (2)
Quality of service is pretty good views of the coordination of the Civil Service in providing
services easy, fast, transparancy, and means. (3) The level of responsiveness is quite good, in
response to all the needs and complaints of the public. (4) Level of Responsibility quite well,
judging from the utilization of human resources potential of the Civil Service. (5) Level of
Accountability pretty good views of the accountability system is done either to local governments
and to the public. Based on the results of these studies conclude that the Civil Service
Performance Evaluation In Improving Public Services Head office Tompaso Minahasa pretty
good views of the productivity aspect, Quality service, Responsiveness, Responsibility, and

Keywords: Performance Evaluation of Civil Servants.

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