Peranan Camat Dalam Mewujudkan Good Governance di Kecamatan Tombatu Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

NICKY TULANDI, Sonny Rompas, Jericho Pombengi


ABSTRACT: Camat position as a leader in the district and at the same time as the head of the working
area districts have an important role and ultimately determine the manifest good govenance in the
district, but in fact good govenance not been optimally realized in the district. This study intended to
find out how camat role in achieving good Governace in the district of Minahasa district Tombatu
The research method used is qualitative method. camat role in achieving good governance fi view
of three aspects, namely pernan coordinate, direct, and supervise government in the district.
informants in this study as many as 15 people were taken from the element of government officials,
elements of SKPD and vertical institutions in the district, the village government elements, and
organisa civic or community leaders. a key instrument in this study is the researchers themselves, while
collecting data using interview techniques. Data analysis was performed using analysis models
interkatif qualitave analysis of miles and hubernann. The results of data analysis that addressed the
role camat coordinate, direct and supervise activities in the district administration to achieve good
governance is done properly and effectively in Kecamtan Tombatu.
Based on the research results deduced that camat the position / positions, duties and
authorities coordinate, direct and supervise the government penyelenggraan in districts having a
crucial role in achieving good governance.
Departed from the conclusions of the study put forward suggestions: camat must optimize
the use of means of organizing pemerintaha coordination of all work units pemetintah; optimizing the
potential and the ability to provide guidance to government work units in the working area districts;
and optimize the existing control facilities such as reporting systems, and monitoring and evaluation
Key words: the role of the subdistrict head, good governance

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