Pengaruh Implementasi Kebijakan Reformasi Birokrasi Terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi (Suatu Studi Di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Halmahera Utara).

Olivia Ekstevani Kori, Telly Sondakh, Alden Laloma


Abstract: This research dotted from the initial observation that the effectiveness of the organization's
Secretariat indicated area of North Halmahera Regency is still relatively low. This condition is presumably
related to policy implementation resformasi bureaucracy that has not gone well. Thus, this study aims: "to
analyze the effect of policy implementation of bureaucratic reforms on the effectiveness of the organization in
North Halmahera Regional Secretariat".
The method used is descriptive method with quantitative approach, the sample of respondents is set
purposively as much as 78 employees. The primary data obtained through the deployment list (questionnaire),
while the secondary data obtained through technical documentation. After the data is collected and then
analyzed by using percentage, followed by testing the hypothesis by using the technique of product moment
correlation analysis and simple linear regression.
The results showed that: Impementasi policy of bureaucratic reform, particularly reform of human
resources in the field of personnel is one of the determining factors (determinants) increasing organizational
effectiveness. Not optimal achievement of bureaucratic reform, particularly in the Regional Secretariat of North
Halmahera district with an average of only categorized "medium" performance or the average of 61.9%
contributed implicated in not optimal effectiveness of the organization is still in the category of "moderate" to
mean achievement average of 69.8%.
Statistical analysis showed that between implemntasi bureaucratic reform policy with the effectiveness
of the organization has a contributive relationship and a positive linear patterned. Relations between the two
variables is significant at test level of 1%, while the degree of determination (decisive power) of 78.6%.
Increase or decrease in the effectiveness of the Regional Secretariat of the organization of North Halmahera
district of 78.6 percent determined by bureaucratic reform.
Thus, it can be concluded that the results of this study indicate that the hypothesis has been tested by
empirical research as well justify the underlying theories. It is recommended that the optimization iplementasi
policy of bureaucratic reform, especially reform of the element of human resources personnel need to be done
through concrete efforts, such as training and other gina make human resource who has the attitude of integrity,
neutral, competent, capable, professional, high-performance and prosperous.
Keywords: Bureaucratic reform Apparatus Human resources, organizational effectivenes

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