Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Sebagai Faktor Penentu Keberhasilan Pembagunan ( Suatu Studi di Kecamatan Malalayang )

Lidya Renyaan, Masje Silija Pangkey, Arie Junus Rorong


Abstract: Social condition is a state in a country at a given time. Economics is defined as the use of
money, power, precious time (Poerwodarminta, 1990). The purpose of the socio-economic
conditions in this study were the circumstances or background of a family related to education,
employment, income and socio-economic keluarga.Kondisi in this study were standing or position
of a person or family in the community with regard to the level of education, level income property
or facility ownership and type of residence. The successful development of an achievement of
development that has been planned in order to create a more advanced state of society and modern.
In this case the development is the pioneer of the government, both central and local pemeritah. A
region is successful in doing development if the people in that area is no longer living under the
poverty line, capable of creating jobs for others, and on the mark with good economic turnaround.
The method used in this research is descriptive and explanatory survey using a quantitative
approach. As for the variables in this study are: socio-economic condition of the family and the
success of the development. By Arikunto (2002) argues that "the entire population is a subject of
research". the sample is part of the number and characteristics of which is owned by the
population (Sugiyono, 2002). Sample location (sub sample) chosen by purposive sampling of 3
(three) villages, namely: Malalayang One, Stone City, and Winangun Two. The number of
respondents 99 based on samples determined through a formula Yamane (Rahkmat, 1991). Results
of the analysis for 0893 is a positive correlation between socio-economic conditions of the family
and the success of development. Furthermore, the coefficient of determination of 0.79 means that
the influence / contribution of socio-economic conditions of the family to the success of
development, obtained by 89.3% and the remaining 10.7% is influenced by other factors. Moving
on from the research results mentioned above, it can be said that the socio-economic condition of
the family has significance in terms of achieving the success of development
Keywords: Social-Economic Conditions Family, Development Success

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