Analisis Fitokimia dan Uji Toksisitas Daun Leleng Merah (Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griffith) dengan Metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test

Defrikson Ba'u, Dewa G Katja, Vanda S Kamu, Paulina V.Y Yamlean, Max R.J Runtuwene


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), condensed tannin content (CTC) dan nilai toksisitas dari daun leleng merah. Daun leleng merah diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi dan dipartisi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana, etil asetat, dan air. Penentuan nilai TPC menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu. Penentuan nilai TFC menggunakan metode AlCl3. Penentuan nilai CTC menggunakan metode vanillin-HCl. Penentuan nilai toksisitas menggunakan metode BSLT. Nilai TPC yang diperoleh pada fraksi n-heksana (FH), fraksi air (FA), dan fraksi etil asetat (FEA) daun Leleng Merah berturut-turut, adalah: 20,48; 31,7; dan 37,57 (mg/g). Nilai TFC diperoleh pada FH, FA, dan FEA berturut-turut, adalah: 0,64; 0,99; dan 1,27 (mg/g). Nilai CTC diperoleh pada FH, FA, dan FEA berturut-turut, adalah: 0,56; 2,17; dan 6,52 (mg/g). Nilai toksisitas diperoleh pada FEA, FA, FH berturut-turut, adalah: 21,93; 100,7; dan 117,22 (mg/L). FEA memiliki nilai toksisitas dan kandungan fitokimia tertinggi. Daun leleng merah bersifat toksik.

Kata Kunci : Brine shrimp lethality test, leleng merah, fitokimia,

 Phytochemical Analysis and Toxicity Test of Leleng Merah Leaves (Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griffith) Using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test


This study aims to determine the total phenolic content (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), condensed tannins (CTC) and toxicity value of Leleng Merah leaves. Leleng merah leaves were extracted by maceration method and partitioned using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water solvent. TPC values were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. TFC values were determined using the AlCl3 method. CTC values were determined using the vanillin-HCl method. Toxicity values were determined using the BSLT method. TPC values obtained in the n-hexane (FH), water (FA), and ethyl acetate (FEA) fraction of the Leleng Merah leaves, were: 20.48; 31.7; 37.57 (mg / g) respectively. TFC values obtained in FH, FA, and FEA, were : 0.64; 0.99; 1.27 (mg / g) respectively. CTC values obtained at FH, FA, FEA, were: 0.56; 2.17;  6.52 (mg/g) respectively. Toxicity values obtained at FEA, FA, FH, were: 21.93; 100.7; 117.22 (mg/L) respectively. FEA has the highest toxicity and phytochemical content. Leleng Merah Leaf is toxic.

Keywords : Brine Shrimp Lethality Test, leleng merah, phytochemistry

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