Senyawa Katekin (Flavonoid) dari Kulit Batang Chisocheton balancae C.DC (Meliaceae)
Kata kunci: Chisocheton balancae C.DC; katekin ; meliaceae
Catechin Compound (Flavonoid) from Chisocheton balancae C.DC (Meliaceae) Bark
A catechin compound (flavonoid) with the molecular formula C15H14O6 has been isolated from Chisocheton balancae C.DC (Meliacee) bark. This study aims to determine the chemical structure of catechins (flavonoids). The sample is macerated with methanol and partitioned with ehtyl acetate as solvent. The results of the partitioning of ethyl acetate were separated by chromatographic techniques and pure isolates were produced in the form of white crystals (as much as 5,5 mg) with a melting point of 175-1770C and maximum absorption at a wavelength of 280,30 nm. The chemical structure of catechin compound was identified on the basis of spectroscopic data including 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and DEFT 1350 as well as comparison with spectroscopic data obtained from the literature. The results shows that the bark of Chisocheton balancae C.DC (Meliaceae) contained catechin compound.
Keywords: Catechin; meliaceae; Chisocheton balancae C.DC
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