Gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap dosen Fakultas Peternakan UNSRAT Manado terhadap kekerasan dalam rumah tangga

Andreas P. Kaunang, Gustaaf A. E. Ratag, Margareth Sapulete


Objective: To determine the knowledge and attitude of lecturers in Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Sam Ratulangi University toward domestic violence.

Method: This research used a grounded theory approach. Data wass collected through focus group discussion by taking 12 informants and then we selected five informants purposefully for an in-depth interview.

Results: Majority of informants’ knowledge in domestic violence is good enough. Most informants are concerned about the increase of domestic violence cases in Indonesia and would advise the victim to perform a penal mediation before taking legal action.

Conclusion: Lecturer’s role in preventing domestic violence can begin with providing exemplary behaviors in daily life and outlines the university “Tri Dharma” principles through education, research and community service.

Keywords: Lecturers’ knowledge, lecturers’ attitude, domestic violence

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d.a. Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

Malalayang Satu Barat, Malalayang, Manado, Sulawesi Utara, 95115

ISSN: 2337-490X