Albert R Reo


Ikan adalah salah satu sumber protein hewani yang tinggi (18-20%)untuk memenuhi nutrisi dan kesehatan yang baik untuk tubuh manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar air, lemak dan protein, serta mengetahui preferensi panelis level untuk ikan kakap merah asin. Hasil analisis kadar air produk dengan konsentrasi larutan garam 15% pengeringan 12 jam adalah 37,38% juga konsentrasi larutan garam 17% dengan pengeringan 12 jam adalah 33,71%. Itu berarti memiliki nilai kadar air dapat diterima dan memiliki kualitas yang baik. Hasil kadar protein produk kakap merah asin konsentrasi larutan garam 15% dengan pengeringan 8 jam si 17% dengan pengeringan 10 jam adalah 39,73% memiliki nilai kadar protein dapat diterima dan memiliki kualitas yang baik. Hasil uji organoleptik seperti tekstur, oder, preferensi dan konsentrasi memiliki nilai tinggi dengan konsentrasi larutan garam 15–17%, pengeringan 12 jam.

Kata kunci: kakap merah, konsentrasi larutan garam, waktu pengeringan.


Fish is the one of animal protein it means have a importance in nutrition and health. Fish also one the resource animal protein most as a food. Fish have a high protein content is around 18-20%, that is why good for human body. The objective of this research is to know the water content, fat, protein and know the level preference panelis to the salted fish red snapper. The result of water content analysis product with con­centration salted solution 15% with during 12 hours is 37, 38% also concentration salted solution 17% with drying 12 hours is 33,71%. That means have water content value can accepted and have a good quality. The result of protein content the product red snapper salted concentration solution 15% with drying 8 hours si 17% with drying 10 hours is 39,73% have a protein content value can accepted and have a good quality. The result of organoleptic test like texture, oder, preference and concentration the average score have a highest value which the concentration 15–17% salted solution with drying 12 hours because for that treatment organoleptic mostly panelis like it.

Keywords: red snapper, salt concentration, drying time.

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