Peranan komunikasi dalam menyosialisasikan bantuan dana pendidikan kepada masyarakat suku Kamoro ( Studi pada lembaga musyawarah adatsuku Kamoro di Timika Papua )

Elisabeth Beata Waraopea, Mariam Sondakh, Yuriewati Pasoreh


Communication is something that cannot be avoided from human life. So we need to build good communication in order to create a harmonious relationship with others. Communication activities will also help us in getting information. In an institution, communication is the main key in the process of exchanging information. Both relationships are interwoven within the institution (internal part) and the relationships that are interwoven outside the institution (external part) itself. Communication itself aims to unite various aspects for common interests and goals. But if it does not reach a common understanding, this will create a problem in communication. So the message is not conveyed properly and will harm the institution itself. Likewise, an organization working with PT Freeport Indonesia in this case LEMASKO, the aim of this institution is to advance the prosperity of the people of Kamoro and help the community to achieve a good standard of living in the fields of economics, health and education. Therefore, this institution has a very important role in socializing the education funding assistance program so that this program will be conveyed to the community, especially the Kamoro tribe community. In conducting activities to socialize the funds, miss communication often occurs in the delivery of messages carried out, this makes most people unable to receive messages properly. And in reality, researchers see that there are still many Kamoro tribes who still don't know the program. But some of them know about the program but do not understand it in its entirety what the institution has conveyed in the socialization made regarding the assistance of education funds. This happens because the delivery of messages that are not delivered evenly and ineffectively results in the absence of a common understanding between Kamoro tribal institutions and people. Therefore researchers are interested in taking the title of the Role of Communication in disseminating education
funding assistance to the Kamoro tribal community in Timika Papua. This research method uses qualitative research. Data collection is done using methods that are generally carried out on a qualitative approach, namely observation, in-depth interviews and documentation.
Keywords : Role, Interpersonal Communication, Socialize

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