Novia Indriani Mamuaja


Act Number 21 of 2011 on the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in Article 5 state that the OJK functions to organize an integrated regulatory and supervisory system for all activities in the financial services sector. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on all sectors of people's lives, including the economic sector. One of the impacts of Covid-19 is the decline in the economic sector, many members of the community including bank customer debtors who have lost their livelihoods makes it difficult to fulfill their responsibility to the banks causing problems to receive credit facilities as bank customers. This study aims to analyze the settlement of non-performing loans for bank customers in the perspective of banking law and analyze the implementation of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number: 11/POJK.03/2020 in the settlement of non-performing loans for bank customers affected by Covid-19. The type of research used is normative juridical research using a conceptual approach. The results of the study indicate that the settlement of non-performing loans by bank customers in the perspective of banking law was carried out through credit restructuring for debtors who still had business prospects and the ability to pay after restructuring. The implementation of OJK regulation Number: 11/POJK.03/2020 on National Economic Stimulus as a Policy to Overcome the Impact of the Spread of Covid-19 is carried out through credit restructuring to help people affected by Covid-19 who have non-performing loans, which in this case must apply first. The granting of the application is prioritized for Small and Medium Enterprises. Credit restructuring methods include, among others, lowering of interest rates, extension of term, reduction of principal arrears, reduction of interest arrears, addition of credit facilities and conversion of financing loans into temporary equity participation. This restructuring policy can be applied by banks regardless of the credit/financing ceiling limit or type of debtor, with the intention that there is an increase in credit quality or credit becomes productive after being restructured during the validity period of POJK 11/POJK.03/2020, which is until March 31, 2023.




Undang-undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dalam Pasal 5 ditentukan bahwa OJK berfungsi menyelenggarakan system pengaturan dan pengawasan yang terintegrasi terhadap keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan. Pandemi Covid-19 telah memberikan dampak besar terhadap seluruh sektor kehidupan masyarakat termasuk sektor ekonomi. Salah satu dampak Covid-19 di sektor ekonomi, banyak anggota masyarakat termasuk nasabah bank kehilangan mata pencahariannya sehingga sulit memenuhi prestasinya kepada bank, mengakibatkan fasilitas kredit yang diterima nasabah bank menjadi bermasalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis tentang penyelesaian kredit bermasalah nasabah bank dalam perspektif hukum perbankan dan menganalisis implementasi Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor  11/POJK.03/2020 dalam penyelesaian kredit bermasalah nasabah bank terdampak Covid-19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelesaian kredit bermasalah nasabah bank dalam perspektif hukum perbankan dilakukan melalui restrukturisasi kredit yang masih memiliki prospek usaha dan kemampuan membayar setelah dilakukan restrukturisasi. Implementasi peraturan OJK Nomor 11/POJK.03/2020 tentang Stimulus Perekonomian Nasional sebagai kebijakan mengatasi dampak Covid-19 dilakukan melalui restrukturisasi kredit untuk meringankan masyarakat terdampak Covid-19 yang mempunyai kredit bermasalah yang dalam hal ini harus melakukan permohonan terlebih dahulu. Pengabulan permohonan diutamaan untuk Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). Cara restrukturisasi kredit antara lain, penurunan suku bunga, perpanjangan jangka waktu, pengurangan tunggakan pokok, pengurangan tunggakan bunga, penambahan fasilitas kredit dan konversi, kredit pembiayaan menjadi pengertian model sementara. Kebijakan restrukturisasi ini dimaksudkan agar ada peningkatan kualitas kredit atau kredit menjadi lancar setelah direstrukturisasi selama masa berlakunya POJK 11/POJK.03/2020 yakni sampai 31 Maret 2023.

Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Kredit Bermasalah, Nasabah, Bank, Covid-19

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