Lasrin Jamin, Victoria E.N. Manoppo, Nurdin Jusuf, Florence V. Longdong, Lexy K. Rarung, Esry T. Opa



The aim of the study is to analyze the Socio-Economic condition of Jubi Fishermen in Kahakitang Village in the New Normal Era? The research was conducted in Kahakitang Village, Tatoareng District, Sangihe Islands Regency for approximately 5 months, from August-December 2020. The research method used the census method, primary data sources and secondary data; will be discussed and analyzed based on the analysis of quantitative descriptions and qualitative descriptions.

The total population of Kahakitang Island is 2,088 people or about 420 families. Most of the people in Kahakitang Village are fishermen using jubi fishing gear. Age shows that fishermen in Kahakitang Village are between 15 - 64 years old. Primary school fisherman education. The state of the house already has its own house with a 100% presentation, because their parents donated it as an inheritance, the number of dependents is 1-3 people with the highest percentage is 60, side jobs with a percentage of 50%, because they want to increase their income when they are not going down to sea., the duration of being fishermen is 5- 10 years as much as 40%, meaning that they have not been fishermen for long.

Their income also depends on the frequency of fishing in a month where the more diligent or the more often they go to sea, the more likely they are to get a large catch compared to those who are less frequent. The catch varies, but on average each fishing trip gets 5 kg of fish and suntung. their income as jubi fishermen is only Rp. 1,200,000 in a month can be said to be less than the price of staple goods such as rice, which has risen especially before the holidays. Funds spent on making jubi tools are not large, only around Rp. 30,000, - to Rp. 100,000, -. However, the average fund needed is Rp. 65,000, - for one time.


Keywords: Jubi, Kahakitang, Tatoareng



Tujuan Penelitian untuk menganalisis keadaan Sosial Ekonomi Nelayan Jubi di Desa Kahakitang pada Era New Normal? Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Kahakitang Kecamatan Tatoareng Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe kurang lebih 5 bulan, dari bulan Agustus-Desember 2020. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode sensus, Sumber data primer dan data sekunder; akan dibahas dan dianalisis berdasarkan analisis deskripsi kuantitatif dan deskripsi kualitatif.

Jumlah penduduk di Pulau Kahakitang 2.088 jiwa atau sekitar 420 KK . Mata pencaharian masyarakat di desa kahakitang sebagian besar sebagai nelayan yang menggunakan alat tangkap jubi. Umur menunjukan bahwa nelayan di Desa Kahakitang berumur antara 15 – 64 tahun. Pendidikan nelayan Sekolah Dasar. Keadaan rumah sudah memiliki rumah sendiri dengan persentasi 100%, disebabkan karena orang tua mereka menghibah sebagai warisan/peninggalan, jumlah tanggungan sebanyak 1-3 orang dengan persentase terbanyak 60, pekerjaan sampingan dengan persentase 50%, karena mereka ingin menambah penghasil pada saat mereka tidak turun melaut., lamanya menjadi nelayan 5- 10 tahun sebanyak 40%, artinya mereka belum lama menjadi nelayan.

Pendapatan mereka tergantung juga pada frekuensi melaut dalam sebulan dimana makin rajin atau makin sering mereka melaut maka kemungkinan bisa untuk mendapat hasil tangkapan yang banyak dibandingkan dengan yang frekuensi melaut kurang. Hasil tangkapan bervariasi , namun rata-rata setiap melaut mendapat 5 kg ikan maupun suntung. penghasilan mereka sebagai nelayan jubi hanya Rp. 1.200.000 dalam sebulan bisa dikatakan kurang dibandingkan dengan harga bahan pokok seperti beras yang menaik apalagi sudah menjelang hari raya. Pengeluaran dana untuk pembuatan alat jubi tidak besar jumlahnya, hanya berkisar antara Rp. 30.000,- sampai Rp. 100.000,-. Namun rata-rata dana yang dibutuhkan Rp.. 65.000,- sekali pembuatan.

Kata Kunci: Jubi, Kahakitang, Tatoareng


Jubi; Kahakitang; Tatoareng

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35800/akulturasi.9.1.2021.34611


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