Teknologi dan Produksi Akuakultur di Danau Tondano Kabupaten Minahasa

Deni Mambrasar, Indra R.N Salindeho, Sipriana Tumembouw


The aim of this study was to know the  applied technology and the production value of the aquaculture activities in the waters of  Lake Tondano and to identify factors influencing aquaculture production in Tondano lake. Data collected  consisted of primary and  sekunder data.  Primary data  were collected by conducting a survey to fish-farmers as respondents around the lake Tondano.  Operational aquaculture data were obtained  by interviewing the fish farmers and by observation.  Secondary data were collected from various  institution  such as Minahasa  Fisheries  Office  ,  Office of  Village Head and Fish-farmer  Group  Administrative Centre.  Collected data were  descriptively analyzed  and presented in the form of tabulation and various model of diagram.  Fluctuated data in aquacultural production value  and the number of  operated  KJT  during the periood of  2001 to  2014 was analysed by using linear regression  and correlation. The aquacultral production value  of the lake Tondano in  2014 was  estimated only 1227,3 tons /year.  The number of operated  KJT  only remained 1203 units.  The production value decreased consistently  from 2003 to 2014.   Statistical analysis showed that during  2001-2014 there was a reduction about 1.236 ton every year in aquacultural production, and  607 units of operated KJT.  There was a  very strong correlation  between  time  (year) and the  the aquacultural production, and also between  time (year) and  the number  of  operated KJT.  There were 3 important  factors  influencing the aquacultural production value of lake Tondano, which were: environmental, technical and economic factor.   However, the primary factor  was  ‘economic’ factor.  The  ‘very high price’ of the fish formulated diet  and  the "very low price”  of  the produced fish were the main causes of the problem.   The fish farmers could not afford the invesment and operational cost.   Environmental degradation of  Lake Tondano waters  also significantly  influenced the operation of aquacultural activities.


Keywords:  Production, technology, aquaculture, Lake Tondano

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35800/bdp.2.3.2014.5701


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