Inge Jiemesha, Engeline Angliadi


Abstract: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a chronic degenerative joint disease which causes disability affecting the quality of life. Its management may include pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. In the non-pharmacological treatment there are a variety of treatment options. This study aimed to prove the effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerves Stimulation (TENS) with and without exercise on pain and physical performance in patients with knee OA. There were thirty five patients with knee OA who met the inclusion criteria that visited the Medical Rehabilitation Department of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital. The samples were divided into 2 groups: TENS with exercise therapy and TENS without exercise therapy. Each group undergone their therapy for 6 weeks with a frequency of 2 times per week. Pain was measured by using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and physical performance was measured by using the Timed-Up and Go test (TUG) and the Stair Climb Test (SCT). There were 91.4% females meanwhile overweight and obese patients were 34.3%. The results showed that there were significant differences in pain and physical performance between before and after TENS with exercise (P <0.001) as well as before and after TENS without exercise (P < 0.001). There was no difference in pain and physical performance between the two groups. Conclusion: TENS with and without exercise can reduce pain and improve physical performance in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Keywords: knee osteoarhtritis, TENS, pain, physical performance

Abstrak: Osteoartritis (OA) lutut adalah penyakit degeneratif sendi yang bersifat kronis dan menyebabkan disabilitas yang memengaruhi kualitas hidup penderita. Tatalaksana OA lutut terdiri dari farmakologi dan non-farmakologi dengan bermacam-macam pilihan terapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh Transcutaneous Electrical Nerves Stimulation (TENS) dengan dan tanpa terapi latihan terhadap nyeri dan kinerja fisik pada penderita OA lutut. Sebanyak 35 penderita OA lutut lama maupun baru yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yang berkunjung ke Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medik RSUP Prof Dr. R.D. Kandou dan bersedia mengikuti penelitian. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: diberikan TENS dengan terapi latihan dan yang tanpa terapi latihan selama 6 minggu dengan frekuensi 2 kali per minggu. Nyeri diukur dengan Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) dan kinerja fisik diukur dengan Timed-Up and Go test (TUG) dan Stair Climb Test (SCT). Dari hasil analisis 35 subyek penelitian didapatkan 32 orang (91,4%) subyek wanita, serta indeks massa tubuh yang overweight dan obese sebanyak 34,3 %. Hasil uji perbedaan nyeri dan kinerja fisik sebelum dan sesudah TENS dengan terapi latihan memperlihatkan perbedaan bermakna (P <0,001). Hasil perbedaan nyeri dan kinerja fisik sebelum dan sesudah TENS juga memperlihatkan perbedaan bermakna (P <0,001). Pada hasil uji perbedaan nyeri dan kinerja fisik pada kedua kelompok didapatkan tidak terdapat perbedaan antara keduanya. Simpulan: TENS dengan dan tanpa terapi latihan dapat mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan kinerja fisik pada penderita osteoartritis lutut.
Kata kunci: osteoartritis lutut, TENS, nyeri, kinerja fisik

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