Vesrter J. Worung, Jody M. Mawara, Karamoy Lientje Th.



Vester J. Worung. 13031108059. Physical Land Suitability Study For Clove
Plants in Tenga Village, Tenga District. Under the Guidance of Dr. Ir. Jody M.
Mawara, M.Si (Chair) and Dr. Ir. Lientje Th. Karamoy, M.Si (Member).
This study aims to evaluate the leval of land suitability for clove plants in the
study area and the factors that limit them, and to determine the distribution of the
suitability of clove plantations in the study area. This research is excpected to be
useful to provide information to farmers in the middle region and the local govermant
about land characteristic and land suitability so that it can contribute to planning land
use for cloves plants.
The method used in this research is a descriptive survey method that is
directly observed in the field, namely soil depth, soil drainage, erosion, flood hazards,
surface rocks, slope, rainfall, air humidity and temperature obtained from BMKG
(Meteorology and Geophysics Agency) while the soil texture is determined in the
field by feeling and soil permeability. Retrieval of land characteristics ini the field
using the land unit approach.
The results showed that the actual land suitability class for clove plants in
Tenga Village, Tenga District was obtained : S1 class (very suitable) on land units
V1 (LaIIKl), V3 (LaIKl) and V4 (LaIIIKl) land area of 1.450 ha (31,73 %); S3 class
(marjinal suitable) on land unit V5 (LaIVKl) land area of 720 ha (15,75 %) ; N class
(not suitable) on land units V2 (LaVKl), V6 (LaVIKl) and V7 (LaVKl) covering an
area of 2,400 ha (52,52 %) with limiting erosion hazard factors (eh) especially the
slope factor.


Pay attention to limiting factors in the land unit V2 (LaVKl), V6 (LaVIKl),
dan V7 (LaVKl) covering on area of 2,400 h (52,52 %) the risk of erosion (eh)
especially the slope factor, then after efforts are made to repair the soil or benches
terraces, individual terraces on clove plants, planting ground cover crops, to protect
from rainwater that falls directly to the ground and reduce water flow above the
surface so that it can protect the soil from damage caused by erosion, obtained three
(3) potential land suitability classes, namely : (1) land suitability S1 class (very
suitable) on land units V1 (LaIIKl), V3 (LaIKl) and V4 (LaIIIKl) land area of 1.450
ha (31,73 %); (2) land suitability S2eh class (quite suitable) on the land unit V5
(LaIVKl) land area of 720 ha (15,75 %); and (3) land suitability S3eh class (marginal
suitable) on land units V2 (LaVKl), V6 (LaVIKl) and V7 (LaVKl) covering an area
of 2,400 ha (52,52 %) with limiting erosion hazard factors (eh) especially the slope
With this research, the selection of the location of clove plantations is
adjusted to the suitability of the land, on land units that area very suitable and
marginal according to the slope factors as a limitation.
Keywords: Land suitability, physical characteristics of land, clove plants

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35791/cocos.v6i6.30766


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