Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Di Wilayah Kerja Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan dan Kehutanan (BP4K) Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe

Rudy L. Janis, Lyndon R.J. Pangemanan, Olly E.H. Laoh, Ribka M. Kumaat


Rudy Lantang Janis Performance of Agricultural Extension in the Working Area of the Implementing Agency of Agricultural Fisheries and Forestry (BP4K) Sangihe Islands Regency Under the guidance of Lindon R. J. Pangemanan as Chairman, O. Esry laoh and Ribka M. Kumaat as members
The objective of the research to analyse performance, education, skill, discipline work ethos, number of extension wokers, agricultural extension and personnel motivation in Sangihe Regency Benefits of this research is to increase the knowledge in the field of human resource development for agricultural extension woker to increase the working productivity of extension woker and their institution.
Data taken are primary data using questionnaire based interview techniques and using a Likert Scala and secondary data obtained from the Implementing Agency of Agricultural Fisheries and
Foresty Extesion (BP4K). Samples taken
are so respondens spread in 5 (five)
Implementing Agency (bp3k) Tahuna Sub
District, East Tahuna Sub District, West
Tahuna Sub district, Kendahe sub district
and North Tabukan sub disttict.
Data are using regression analysis. This
study is conducted over three months
starting from the Month of June 2013 to
agustus 2013.
The results of this research showed that
education skills, discipline work ethos
number of extension and motivation was
significantly affected the performance of
agricultural extension officers in the
Sangihe Islands Regency

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                                           e-ISSN : 2715-0070