Kajian Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Di Wilayah Kerja Balai Penyuluh Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan (BP3K) Kecamatan Amurang Timur.

Nova S. Sumual, Olvie L.S. Benu, Gene Kapantow, Melisa L.G. Tarore


This study aims to determine The Performance of Agricultural Extension in The Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Extension Work Area Center (BP3K) District Of East Amurang. The research held for 3 (three) months starting from May to July 2011, located in the East Amurang BP3K surrogate. The data obtained in this study analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form. Determination of categories obtained by assessment or score. The results showed that internal factors identified to support the performance of Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K extension is the age factor and the level of formal education. Most of Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K less than 30 years old, highly productive age to support performance. Level of formal education in the Agricultural Extension Amurang BP3K East, mostly educated S1, this shows quite good human resource extension. External factors that support the Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K is availability of facilities, infrastructure, information and Intensity Extension. Availability of facilities, infrastructure and sufficient information on the performance consequences for extension in terms of ease of delivery of technology and innovation. While meeting with the farmers who will intensely affect the relations of cooperation, thereby building trust. Performance Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K showed excellent results. The indicators that produce excellent performance is the completion of agricultural extension programs according to farmers needs, agricultural extension action draft in their respective work areas, the availability of the area map data for the development of specific technologies in accordance with teritorial leading commodity, and dissemination information agricultural technology evenly and according to the farmers needs. The performance of the agricultural extension that should be improved is to create a mutually beneficial business partnership between farmers and entrepreneurs.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6802


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