SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG KACANG HIJAU (Phaseolus radiathus L) DALAM PEMBUATAN BISKUIT KIMPUL (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L) schott)

Agus B. Suprianto, Christine F. Mamuaja, Thelma D. J. Tuju


This research aims to produce biscuits kimpul obtained from green bean flour substitutes that can be accepted by the panelists. This study used a Randomized Complete Design method with a mixture of kimpul flour and green bean flour . Treatment A (50% kimpul flour : 50%  green beans flour ), B (60% kimpul flour : 40%  green beans flour), C (70% kimpul flour : 30%  green beans flour), D (80% kimpul flour  : 20% green bean flour), E (90% kimpul flour : 10%  green bean flour). Results of organoleptic, selected treatment continued with the sensory properties and chemical analysis. Selected treatment in treatment B (60% kimpul flour : 40% green bean flour) has the value most highly favored and panelists. The results of the chemical analysis of the selected kimpul biscuits with chemical composition  with  5.44% moisture content,  ash levels 2,71%, 8.03% protein, fat levels 24.88%, and carbohydrate levels 58,93%..  
Key words: biscuits, kimpul flour, green beans flour

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