Gambaran histopatologik ginjal tikus wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi gentamisin dan diberikan ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir)
Abstract: Gentamycin is known as one of the nephrotoxic agents. Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) is rich of antioxidant due to its high anthocyanin content. This study aimed to obtain the histopathological features of the kidney of Wistar rats induced by gentamycin and were given purple sweet potato. This was an experimental laboratory study. Subjects were 24 Wistar rats. Group I (negative control) consisted of 4 rats, fed with pellets (AD2) for 7 days. Group IIA and IIB consisted of 4 rats each, induced by gentamicin for 7 and 10 days each. Group IIIA and IIIB consisted of 4 rats each, induced by gentamicin for 7 and 10 days and then were given purple sweetpotato extract for 7 days. Group IV consisted of 4 rats induced by gentamicin for 7 days then were fed with pellets (AD2) for 7 days. The results showed hydropic degeneration, necrosis, and fibrosis of kidney tubule epithelial cells in group IIA and B. Group III A and B showed regeneration of kidney tubule epithelial cells, while hydropic degeneration and necrosis focus reduced more than group II A and B. Group IV showed epithelial cell regeneration, yet still showed hydropic degeneration and necrosis. Conclusion: Supplementation of purple sweet potato extract to Wistar rats induced with gentamycin showed more regeneration of kidney tubule epithelial cells compared to the Wistar rats without supplementation of purple sweet potato extract.
Keywords: kidney, gentamicin, purple sweet potato extract
Abstrak: Gentamisin merupakan salah satu agen nefrotoksik. Ubijalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) sebagai tanaman kaya antioksidan memiliki senyawa antosianin tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologik ginjal tikus wistar yang diinduksi gentamisin dan diberikan ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir). Jenis penelitian ini eksperimental laboratorik dengan menggunakan 24 ekor tikus wistar sebagai hewan coba. Kelompok I (kontrol negatif) sebanyak 4 ekor hanya diberi makan pelet AD2 selama 7 hari. Kelompok IIA dan IIB masing-masing sebanyak 4 ekor, diinduksi gentamisin selama 7 dan 10 hari. Kelompok IIIA dan IIIB masing-masing sebanyak 4 ekor, diinduksi gentamisin selama 7 dan 10 hari kemudian diberikan ekstrak ubijalar ungu selama 7 hari. Kelompok IV sebanyak 4 ekor diinduksi gentamisin selama 7 hari dan diberikan pelet AD2 selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan degenerasi hidropik, nekrosis dan fibrosis pada sel epitel tubulus ginjal tikus yang diberi gentamisin. Pemberian ekstrak ubi jalar ungu pada tikus yang diinduksi gentamisin menunjukkan regenerasi sel epitel tubulus ginjal, sedangkan fokus degenerasi hidropik dan nekrosis semakin berkurang. Kelompok tanpa pemberian ekstrak ubi jalar ungu menunjukkan regenerasi sel epitel namun gambaran degenerasi hidropik dan nekrosis masih tampak. Simpulan: Pemberian ekstrak ubi jalar ungu pada tikus wistar paska induksi gentamisin menunjukkan regenerasi sel epitel tubulus lebih luas dibandingkan yang tanpa pemberian ekstrak ubijalar ungu.
Kata kunci: ginjal, gentamisin, ekstrak ubijalar ungu
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