Gambaran histologik ginjal tikus Wistar yang diberikan jus tomat setelah diinduksi dengan monosodium glutamat
Abstract: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is widely used in daily life as a flavor enhancer in food. MSG is the combination of sodium salt component and glutamic acid-L (a non essential amino acid), which is highly soluble in water. Glutamate in MSG is not bound to protein molecules, but in the free form, therefore, it will form free radicals in the body. Free radicals in the body can be neutralized by antioxidants. Tomatoes are fruits that contain several antioxidants (lycopene, vitamin C and vitamin A). Lycopene is an antioxidant that is the highest in tomatoes. Lycopene reduces free radicals in the body by releasing up one of its electrons to bind with free radicals so the free radicals do not bind to other cells in the body and reduces the damage in the body. This study was aimed to determine the histological changes in the kidneys of Wistar rats induced by MSG, and of those that were added tomato juice. This was an experimental study with a post test only control group design. The study used 15 Wistar rats divided into three groups: group I without treatment (pellets AD II and drinking water); group II, MSG for 14 days; and group III, tomato juice and MSG for 14 days. The results showed that in both treatment groups there were visible swelling of tubular epithelial cells and narrowing of the tubular lumen, albeit, the glomeruli still looked normal.
Keywords: tomato juice, MSG, kidney damage
Abstrak: Monosodium glutamat (MSG) banyak digunakan sebagai penyedap rasa dalam makanan. MSG adalah gabungan antara komponen garam sodium dan asam glutamat–L (suatu asam amino non esensial) yang bersifat sangat larut dalam air. Glutamat dalam MSG tidak terikat pada molekul protein melainkan dalam bentuk bebas sehingga dapat membentuk radikal bebas didalam tubuh. Radikal bebas didalam tubuh dapat dinetralisir oleh antioksidan. Tomat mengandung berbagai antioksidan (likopen, vitamin C dan vitamin A) terutama likopen. Likopen mengurangi radikal bebas didalam tubuh dengan cara melepaskan satu elektronnya untuk berikatan dengan radikal bebas yang dapat mengurangi kerusakan yang terjadi dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histologik ginjal tikus wistar kelompok perlakuan I diinduksi MSG dan kelompok perlakuan II yang diberikan MSG dan jus tomat. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental dengan post test only control group design. Penelitian menggunakan 15 ekor tikus wistar dibagi tiga kelompok: kelompok I tanpa perlakuan (pellet AD II dan air minum); kelompok II diberi MSG selama 14 hari; dan kelompok III diberi jus tomat dan MSG selama 14 hari. Gambaran histologik ginjal pada kelompok perlakuan I (MSG) dan kelompok perlakuan II (MSG dan jus tomat) memperlihatkan glomerulus normal, pembengkakan sel epitel tubuli, dan penyempitan lumen tubuli. Tidak tampak perbedaan nyata antara kedua kelompok.
Kata kunci: jus tomat, MSG, kerusakan ginjal
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