Efek Red Wine Terhadap Kesehatan Kardiovaskular
Abstract: Many studies showed that antioxidants contained polyphenols and flavonoids such as red wine could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This study’s purpose is to determine the effect of red wine on cardiovascular health. This is a literature review using three databases: Pubmed, Google Scholar and Clinical Key. The keywords using to search the articles are red wine AND cardiovascular disease AND antioxidant OR antioksidan AND flavonoid. After being selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, ten literatures were found. The research methods using in the literatures were very varied, which were a cross-over study, single blind cross-over, double-blinded, comprised two study days, parallel four-armed intervention, experimental, randomized, and prospective study. The subjects in these studies were also varied, from healthy people to people with cardiovascular disorders and with other health problems. Besides red wine, interventions with dealcoholized red wine and red grape polyphenol extract (RGPE) also were used in some studies. However, the results from all studies showed that consuming red wine has a good effect on cardiovascular health, measured from LDL and HDL blood level, FMD and systolic blood pressure. In conclusion, red wine consumption has beneficial effects on cardiovascular health.
Keywords: red wine, antioxidant, cardiovascular health, polyphenol, flavonoid
Abstrak: Banyak penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antioksidan yang mengandung polifenol dan flavonoid seperti red wine dapat menurunkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek red wine terhadap kesehatan kardiovaskular. Penelitian ini berbentuk literature review menggunakan tiga database yaitu Pubmed, Google Scholar, dan Clinical Key. Kata kunci yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel yaitu red wine AND cardiovascular disease AND antioxidant OR antioksidan AND flavonoid. Setelah diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, didapatkan 10 literatur yang memenuhi kriteria. Literatur-literatur yang ditemukan menggunakan metode penelitian beragam yaitu cross-over study, single blind cross-over, double-blinded, comprised two study days, parallel four-armed intervention, experimental, randomized, dan prospective study. Subjek yang berpartisipasi dalam studi-studi tersebut juga bervariasi, yaitu terdiri dari orang yang sehat, orang dengan ganguan kardiovaskular dan orang dengan gangguan kesehatan lainnya. Selain red wine, intervensi menggunakan dealcoholized red wine, dan red grape polyphenol extract (RGPE) juga dilakukan pada beberapa studi. Meskipun demikian, hasil yang didapatkan dari semua studi menunjukkan bahwa mengonsumsi red wine memberikan efek yang baik terhadap kesehatan kardiovaskular, yang dilihat dari pengukuran LDL dan HDL darah, FMD dan systolic blood pressure. Sebagai simpulan konsumsi red wine memberikan efek yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kardiovaskular.
Kata Kunci: red wine, antioksidan, kesehatan kardiovaskular, polifenol, flavonoid
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.35790/ebm.v9i1.31909
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