Nindy P. Husain, Carla F. Kairupan, Meilany F. Durry


Abstract: Breast cancer has the highest incidence of all cancers in women worldwide. Its etiology is still unknown, however, there are several risk factors considered as the primary contributors to the occurrence of breast cancer including life style, reproduction, genetic mutation, and hormonal inbalance. Benzo(α)pyrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compound (PAH), is known as a carcinogenic agent that can cause genetic mutations. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L) can be used as a natural medicine because it contains active compounds such as anti-microbial (antrhaquinone), anti-cancer (damnacanthal), proxeronin, alkaloids, minerals, vitamins, and some essential amino acids. This study aimed to determine the differences between the histopathologic features of the breasts of female mice administered and not administered with noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L) after induction with benzo(α)pyren. This was an experimental study. There were 16 female mice approximately ± 2 months old with body weight approximately 20 gr divided into 4 groups: 1) Negative control, without any treatment for 28 days and mice were terminated on day 29. (2) Treatment I, breasts were injected with benzo(α)pyrene 0.3 mg/head/day subcutaneously for 14 days and mice were terminated on day 29; 3) Treatment II, breasts were injected with benzo(α)pyrene 0,3 mg/head/day subcutaneously for 14 days and mice were administered with noni fruit extract 0.5 mg/head/day on days 15-35 and mice were terminated on day 36; and 4) Treatment III, breasts were injected with benzo(α)pyrene 0,3 mg/head/day subcutaneously for 14 days and mice were administered with noni fruit extract 1.5 mg/head/day on day 15-35 and then were terminated on day 36. The results showed that the negative control group showed normal microscopic features of breast tissues. Treatment I group presented hyperplasia of the columnar epithelial cells lining the lactiferous ducts (> 4 layers) as well as cells with coarse nucleus chromatin and inflammatory cells. Treatment II and treatment III groups still presented hyperplasia of the columnar epithelial cells in milder manifestation than that of treatment I group (< 4 layers). Conclusion: Microscopic features of mice breasts induced with benzo(α)pyrene showed hyperplasia of the columnar epithelial cells of lactiferous ducts (>4 layers) while those of the mice administered with noni fruit extract after being induced with benzo(α)pyrene showed milder hyperplasia of the columnar epithelial cells (<4 layers).
Keywords: Benzo(α)pyren, noni, hyperplasia, breast.

Abstrak: Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker dengan insidensi terbanyak dari semua jenis kanker pada perempuan di seluruh dunia. Penyebab kanker payudara masih belum diketahui, namun ada beberapa faktor yang merupakan kontributor utama dalam pertumbuhan kanker, diantaranya gaya hidup, reproduksi, faktor genetik, dan ketidakseimbangan hormonal. Benzo(α)pyrene merupakan senyawa polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbon (PAH) yang bersifat karsinogenik dan dapat menyebabkan mutasi genetik. Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L) dapat digunakan sebagai obat alami karena mengandung senyawa-senyawa aktif berupa anti mikroba (antrhaquinone), anti kanker (damnacanthal), proxeronin, alkaloid, mineral, vitamin dan beberapa asam amino esensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan gambaran histopatologik antara payudara mencit betina yang diberi dan tidak diberi ekstrak buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L) setelah diinduksi dengan benzo(α)pyren. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorik. Hewan uji ialah 16 ekor mencit betina berumur ± 2 bulan dengan berat badan 20 gr yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok: 1) Kelompok kontrol negatif (KN), mencit tidak diberi perlakuan selama 28 hari dan diterminasi hari ke-29; 2) Kelompok perlakuan I (KP-I), payudara mencit diinduksi benzo(α)pyrene 0,3 mg/ekor/hari secara subkutan selama 14 hari dan diterminasi hari ke-29; 3) Kelompok perlakuan II (KP-II), payudara mencit diinduksi benzo(α)pyrene 0,3 mg/ekor/hari secara subkutan selama 14 hari dan mencit diberi ekstrak buah mengkudu 0,5 mg/ekor/hari pada hari ke 15-35 dan diterminasi hari ke-36; dan 4) Kelompok perlakuan III (KP-III), payudara mencit diinduksi benzo(α)pyrene 0,3 mg/ekor/hari secara subkutan selama 14 hari dan mencit diberi ekstrak buah mengkudu 1,5 mg/ekor/hari pada hari ke 15-35 dan diterminasi hari ke-36. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pada KN didapatkan gambaran mikroskopik jaringan payudara mencit yang normal. Pada KP-I didapatkan hiperplasia sel epitel kolumnar duktus laktiferi payudara (>4 lapis sel) dengan kromatin inti kasar dan berwarna ungu gelap, serta adanya sel-sel radang di jaringan ikat. Pada KP-II dan III masih didapatkan hiperplasia sel epitel kolumnar duktus laktiferi namun lebih ringan dari KP-I (<4 lapis sel). Simpulan: Gambaran mikroskopik payudara mencit yang diinduksi benzo(α)pyrene menunjukkan adanya hiperplasia sel epitel kolumnar duktus laktiferi (> 4 lapis) sedangkan payudara mencit-mencit yang diberikan ekstrak buah mengkudu setelah diinduksi dengan benzo(α)pyrene menunjukkan hiperplasia sel epitel yang lebih ringan (< 4 lapis).
Kata kunci: benzo(α)pyren, mengkudu, hiperplasia, payudara

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