Yunita P. Moniaga, Youla A. Assa, Stefana H. M. Kaligis


Abstract: Human body needs various substances to function properly; one of which is micronutrient. Iron is one of the micronutrients required by the body that is involved in several body processes including hemoglobin formation, energy metabolism, and immune system. Iron can be excreted through feces, urine, and sweat which could increase as a result of doing vigorious physical activity. This study aimed to compare blood iron level before and after vigorous intensity exercise. This was a pre-experimental study with one group pre-test post-test approach. Respondents were chosen by using simple random sampling method. The vigorous intensity exercise was playing futsal for 2 x 20 minutes and a 10-minute rest without any subtitution. The results showed that the mean of blood iron levels before vigorous intensity exercise was 83.86 ug/dL and after the exercise was 84.95 ug/dL. The analysis using paired-samples t-test showed a P value = 0.595. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between blood iron level before and after vigorous physical activity.
Keywords: blood iron level, exxercise, vigorous intensity

Abstrak: Tubuh manusia memerlukan berbagai macam zat untuk berfungsi, salah satunya ialah mikronutrien. Besi merupakan salah satu mikronutrien penting yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk pembentukan hemoglobin, metabolisme energi, dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Besi dapat diekskresikan melalui tinja, urin, dan keringat yang dapat meningkat akibat aktivitas fisik intensitas berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kadar besi darah sebelum dan sesudah aktivitas fisik intensitas berat. Penelitian ini bersifat pre-ekperimental dengan pendekatan one group pre-test post-test. Responden dipilih menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Aktivitas fisik intensitas berat yang dilakukan ialah olahraga futsal dengan durasi permainan 2 x 20 menit dan jeda 10 menit tanpa adanya pergantian pemain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kadar besi darah sebelum aktivitas fisik 83,86 μg/dL dan sesudah 84,95 μg/dL. Hasil analisis menggunakan paired-samples t-test menunjukkan nilai P = 0,595. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kadar besi darah sebelum dan sesudah aktivitas fisik intensitas berat.
Kata kunci: kadar besi darah, aktivitas fisik, intensitas berat

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