Abstract: Mites have an important role as a source of allergens in allergic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, and other atopic diseases. House dust mites (HDMs) are found mainly in the bed, carpet, and floor. HDMs have an important role as the source of house dust allergens. It is important to identify the types of HDMs in an area to determine the nature of HDM allergens. This study aimed to determine the types and density of HDMs in the Malalayang Dua Manado. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Samples of dust were collected from houses at Malalayang Dua by simple random sampling method. Of 96 samples of house dust, there were 82 positive mite and 14 negative mite samples. A total of 216 mites were obtained in samples of HDMs. The most abundant was Pyroglyphidae family (107 mites), followed by Glycyphagidae (51 mites) dan Cheyletidae (6 mites) families. The densities of HDMs were di 36.92 mites/g dust on beds, 15.94 mites/g dust on the sofas, and 11.41 mites/g dust on the bedroom floors with an average 21.42 mites/g dust. Conclusion: In Malalayang Dua, there were 3 types of house dust mites as follows: Pyroglyphidae (the most), Glycyphagidae, and Cheyletidae families. The highest density of house dust mites was in the dust on beds meanwhile the lowest one was in the dust on bedroom floors.
Keywords: types, density, house dust mites
Abstrak: Tungau memiliki peranan sebagai sumber alergen penting pada penyakit alergi seperti asma, rinitis, dan penyakit atopik lainnya. Tungau debu rumah (TDR) ditemukan terutama di tempat tidur, karpet, dan lantai dan berperan sebagai sumber alergen debu rumah. Identifikasi jenis TDR di suatu wilayah diperlukan untuk mengetahui sifat alergen TDR di wilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan kepadatan TDR di Kelurahan Malalayang Dua Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Sampel penelitian berupa debu dikumpulkan dari rumah-rumah penduduk dengan menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Dari 96 sampel debu rumah pada penelitian ini didapatkan 82 sampel positif tungau dan 14 negatif. Sebanyak 216 tungau didapatkan dari sampel debu rumah dengan jenis tungau terbanyak berasal dari famili Pyroglyphidae (107 tungau), diikuti famili Glycyphagidae (51 tungau) dan famili Cheyletidae (6 tungau). Kepadatan TDR di tempat tidur 36,92 tungau/g debu, di sofa 15,94 tungau/g debu, dan di lantai kamar tidur 11,41 tungau/g debu dengan rerata 21,42 tungau/g debu. Simpulan: Dari hasil penelitian di Kelurahan Malalayang Dua didapatkan 3 jenis tungau yaitu famili Pyroglyphidae (terbanyak), famili Glycyphagidae dan famili Cheyletidae. Tingkat kepadatan TDR tertinggi pada sampel debu tempat tidur dan terendah di lantai kamar tidur.
Kata kunci: jenis, kepadatan, tungau debu rumah
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