Karla C. Nusa, Max F. J. Mantik, Novie Rampengan


Abstract: Dengue virus infection exhibit different symptoms. WHO estimated that every year, 50 million humans are infected with dengue virus and 90% of the inward patients are children. Based on WHO (2011) laboratory criteria, there are several blood test result such as leukocytes, thrombocytes, hematocrits that play important role in determining clinical course of dengue infection. Leukocytes consist of 5 different types, which include neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, monocytes and lymphocytes. Based on recent research, neutrophil-lymphocytes count ratio (NLCR) can be used as a marker to differentiate bacterial infection from viral infection. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio on dengue virus patients in Prof DR. R. D. Kandou Hospital in Manado. It is an analytical retrospective research in which the data collected from medical record of dengue virus patients who were admitted during the period of March 2013-Mei 2014. The data is then processed using Spearman’s correlation test. The result p=0,630 (p>0,05). Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between neutrophil and lymphocytes ratio on dengue virus patients.
Keywords: dengue virus infection, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, children.
Abstrak: Infeksi virus dengue menimbulkan gejala yang bervariasi. WHO memperkirakan setiap tahun sekitar 50 juta manusia terinfeksi virus dengue yang hampir 90% dari pasien rawat inap adalah anak-anak. Berdasarkan kriteria laboratoris WHO (2011), terdapat beberapa hasil pemeriksaan darah seperti leukosit, trombosit, hematokrit, yang berperan penting dalam perjalanan klinis infeksi dengue. Tipe leukosit terdiri dari lima jenis, antara lain neutrofil, eosinofil, basofil, monosit dan limfosit. Didukung dengan hasil penelitian terbaru, sebagai penanda untuk membedakan antara infeksi bakteri dan virus maka digunakan ratio hitung neutrofil dan limfosit (NLCR). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ratio neutrofil dan limfosit pada penderita infeksi virus dengue di RSUP Prof. DR. R.D. Kandou Manado. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik retrospektif, diambil dalam bentuk data rekam medik periode Maret 2013-Mei 2014. Data diolah dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil analisa data didapatkan nilai P=0,630 (p>0,05). Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ratio neutrofil dan limfosit pada penderita infeksi virus dengue.
Kata kunci: infeksi virus dengue, ratio neutrofil dan limfosit, anak-anak.

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