Kualitas Hidup Lansia Pengguna dan Bukan Pengguna Gigi Tiruan

Sanny C. Korah, Damajanty H.C. Pangemanan, Vonny N. S. Wowor


Abstract: Loss of natural teeth, whether it is replaced with artificial teeth or not, can affect the quality of life (QoL), especially in relation to oral health. This study was aimed to determine the differences in the QoL of elderly between denture wearers and non denture wearers. This was a literature review study. There were five literatures in this study; three literatures used the GOHAI questionnaire as a research instrument meanwhile the others used the OHIP-14 questionnaire. The results showed that the measuring instrument most widely used was GOHAI. Based on age, the QoL of denture wearers and non denture wearers became worse as they became older. Based on sex, the QoL of the non denture wearers was better in males than in females, albeit, there was no difference between sex among the denture wearers. In conclusion, the QoL of denture wearers was better than of non denture wearers. Moreover, the QoL of denture wearers was relatively good, meanwhile the QoL of non denture wearers was poor.

Keywords: quality of life, elders, denture, tooth loss


Abstrak: Kehilangan gigi asli yang digantikan dengan gigi tiruan maupun tidak, dapat meme-ngaruhi kualitas hidup, khususnya kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas hidup lansia pengguna dan bukan pengguna gigi tiruan. Jenis penelitian ialah studi pustaka. Total pustaka yang diteliti berjumlah lima buah. Terdapat tiga pustaka yang menggunakan kuesioner GOHAI sebagai instrumen penelitian, sedangkan dua lainnya menggunakan kuesioner OHIP-14. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu GOHAI. Berdasarkan usia, semakin bertambahnya usia, kualitas hidup lansia pengguna dan bukan pengguna gigi tiruan semakin buruk. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, kualitas hidup lansia bukan pengguna gigi tiruan lebih baik pada laki-laki daripada perempuan, sedangkan pada lansia pengguna gigi tiruan, hasilnya seimbang. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah kualitas hidup lansia pengguna gigi tiruan lebih baik daripada bukan pengguna gigi tiruan. Kualitas hidup lansia pengguna gigi tiruan tergolong baik sedangkan kualitas hidup lansia bukan pengguna gigi tiruan tergolong buruk.

Kata kunci: kualitas hidup, lansia, gigi tiruan, kehilangan gigi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35790/eg.8.2.2020.29906


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