The Application of Decision Support System for Job Vacancy Recommendation Using Analytical Hierarchy Process at Widya Kartika’s Student Career Center

Andrew Irawan, Robby Kurniawan Budhi, Yonatan Widianto


Every year, Widya Kartika University (UWIKA) graduates hundreds of students from various majors. Currently, the speed of graduates in obtaining employment is also one of the main performance indicators of higher education institutions. In addition, the involvement of industry partners through collaboration with universities is also the main thing. Observing this, UWIKA is committed to helping its graduates to get jobs faster by becoming a liaison between graduates and partners. A Decision Support System for recommended job vacancies was set up to solve this. The variables used as decision makers include the Grade Point Average (GPA), study program, study period, and student activities during the study. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is considered to be able to overcome this. Through the results of analysis and calculations, the order of the weighting of the criteria was obtained as follows: with the largest eigenvalue 2.276923 for GPA and the smallest value 0.388278 for the study period. Based on the results of calculations and trials, the application can help graduates in finding jobs, as well as partners in finding prospective employees.

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Sam Ratulangi University