Hurul Ain R. Lamampa, F.A.O. PELLENG, H. J. Sumampouw


Abstract. The existence Pegadaian (Persero) is increasingly important and strategic in
supporting policy implementation of government programs in economics and national
development. This happens because a lot of people and SMEs who know exactly where
Pawnshops are able to contribute both through its lending, with procedures (carrying the
collateral) is easy. Another thing that can affect the Mortgage Loans in improving service
provision Quickly and Safely (KCA) to the community is the provision of financing through
loans faster and safer. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the
development of the provision of credit products quickly and safely (KCA) on PT. Pegadaian
Pawn is an acquired right person indebted on an item on his behalf, and that gives power to
those who were indebted to take repayment of the item is precedence over those of other
indebted; with the exception of charges for the auctioning of goods and which have been issued
to save him after the goods were pawned.
This type of research is qualitative research with quantitative approach forecasts. In the process
of data collection using observation author. While the data used in the form of primary data and
data analysis used sekunder.Teknik is a trend analysis.
The above results can be summarized in 2014 to 2015 reached rise to 11%. Because Pegadaian
a lot of money-expenditures for implementation from here can be explained, the imbalance
between the loan money disbursed by the pawnshop with the gains of the money outstanding
loans to customers. However Pegadaian continue to increase its lending to the public by
lowering interest rates.
KCA mortgage loans to the public and Pegadaian each year has increased from year to year.
Increasing the provision of mortgage loans due to the many customers KCA. And can be
expected in the future a more creative, innovative because of the many people who pawned the
goods, then the employee should be conscientious Pegadaian performed the assessment of the
pawned goods.
Keywords: Quick Credit danAman (KCA), Development Lending.

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Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, Indonesia.

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