The background of this research indicates that the low organizational
commitment of employees affects that the low performance of work, so the
problem studied in this research is: How big influence Organizational
Commitment to Employee Work Achievement at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani (Persero) Branch ManadoEmployee commitment to the organization
shown by employee characteristics is (1) employees are more concerned with
personal interests than the company's interest in completing the target work,
where employees are more focused on personal issues. (2) less maximize the
contribution of his work as part of the organization as a whole in carrying out
its duties and obligations; (3) lackof cooperation among employees in solving
the problem. This shows that the low organizational commitment of employees
resulted in the likelihood of job performance at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani (Persero) Branch Manado, so the higher one's commitment to the task
the higher the performance will be generated. In this research the method used
is quantitative method, by using correlation analysis approach and simple linear
regression with data analysis technique used is Pearson Product Moment
Correlation Analysis (PPM). Based on the calculation of Pearson Product
Moment correlation, organizational commitment contributed 97.6% while the
remaining 2.4% was a contribution from other variables. And there is a
significant influence between Organizational Commitment to Employee
Performance at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Branch Manado.
While the calculation results of simple linear regression analysis with the result
fhitung ≥ ftabel, or 2787.82 ≥ 2.05, thus reject Ho, which means a significant
effect. This means that Organizational Commitment has a significant and
linearly influence on Employee Work Performance at PT. Permodalan
Nasional Madani (Persero) Branch Manado. There is a significant influence
between organizational commitment employees affect the performance of work
at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Branch Manado. It is
recommended to always pay attention to employee performance for the
effectiveness and efficiency of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero)
Manado Branch, so as to maintain its reputation as one of the reliable and trust
worthy capital business entities.
Keywords : Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance.
commitment of employees affects that the low performance of work, so the
problem studied in this research is: How big influence Organizational
Commitment to Employee Work Achievement at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani (Persero) Branch ManadoEmployee commitment to the organization
shown by employee characteristics is (1) employees are more concerned with
personal interests than the company's interest in completing the target work,
where employees are more focused on personal issues. (2) less maximize the
contribution of his work as part of the organization as a whole in carrying out
its duties and obligations; (3) lackof cooperation among employees in solving
the problem. This shows that the low organizational commitment of employees
resulted in the likelihood of job performance at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani (Persero) Branch Manado, so the higher one's commitment to the task
the higher the performance will be generated. In this research the method used
is quantitative method, by using correlation analysis approach and simple linear
regression with data analysis technique used is Pearson Product Moment
Correlation Analysis (PPM). Based on the calculation of Pearson Product
Moment correlation, organizational commitment contributed 97.6% while the
remaining 2.4% was a contribution from other variables. And there is a
significant influence between Organizational Commitment to Employee
Performance at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Branch Manado.
While the calculation results of simple linear regression analysis with the result
fhitung ≥ ftabel, or 2787.82 ≥ 2.05, thus reject Ho, which means a significant
effect. This means that Organizational Commitment has a significant and
linearly influence on Employee Work Performance at PT. Permodalan
Nasional Madani (Persero) Branch Manado. There is a significant influence
between organizational commitment employees affect the performance of work
at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Branch Manado. It is
recommended to always pay attention to employee performance for the
effectiveness and efficiency of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero)
Manado Branch, so as to maintain its reputation as one of the reliable and trust
worthy capital business entities.
Keywords : Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance.
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Diterbitkan Oleh:
Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, Indonesia.
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