Author Guidelines
Preparation of the manuscript:
- Manuscripts may be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia; for Bahasa Indonesian manuscript, one must follow guidance of the "Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD" (click - click here - to download the guidance of the EYD). The manuscript must be original and must not has been submitted for publishing in other media. This is the responsibility of author. If this case is discovered after publication, the published article will be withdrawn and the author will be blacklisted in this journal.
- It is recommended, submitted manuscript must cite at least 5 relevant articles from this journal.
Order of manuscript writing (a template for layout is provided and can be downloaded; to download PDF template - click here -, and to download the DOC template - click here -:
- Title (8-15 words): the title of the manuscript should reflect the essence of the content of the writing, be specific, short and clear but adequate to describe contents of the manuscript, and effective as measured by the straightforwardness of writing and its informativeness; eye catching; no abbreviation. If the manuscript is in Bahasa Indonesia, provide an English title.
- Abstract (200-250 words): made in one paragraph which consist of objective of the research, a brief of materials and methods, results, and a brief conclusion; concise, clear, complete, without references (bibliography, pictures, and tables), and completely describes the essence of the contents of the entire writing; a maximum of 200 words; with 5 key words. If the manuscript is in Bahasa Indonesia, provide an English abstract.
- Introduction (500-1000 words): without sub-section; includes background, literature review, issues, and objectives; if possible, describe novelty of the research.
- Materials and methods (500-1000 words)
- Results and Discussion (2000-3000 words)
- Conclusion (200-500 words): made in one paragraph; answer the research objective; explain implication rather than a summary of the research.
- Acknowledgements: provide if applicable; in this section provide a statement of "Conflict of Interest" by writing "We certify that there is no conflict of interest with any organization regarding the materials discussed in this manuscript."
- References: follow the guidance below.
- Contains literature references referred to in the text (including table headings and figure legends).
- The number of references cited at least 10 (ten); half number of them cited from scientific journal published within 5 years.
- Format references according to the rules of the Harvard System (author-date system). This journal follows the system from De Montfort University, Leicester (full information of the system can be downloaded here -click here to download-).
- Some examples of reference formats:
NYBAKKEN, J.W. (1993) Marine biology: an ecological approach. 3rd ed. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
Books with two or three authors:
HYLLEBERG, J. and RIIS-VESTERGAARD, H. (1984) Marine environments; the fate of detritus. Denmark: Akademisk Forlag.
Books with more than three authors:
DAHURI, H.R. et al. (2008) Pengelolaan Sumber daya wilayah pesisir dan lautan secara terpadu. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita.
DAY, J.W. Jr. et al. (1989) Estuarine ecology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Books with one or more editor(s):
NEWMAN, M.C. and MCINTOSH, A.W. (eds.) (1991) Metal Ecotoxicology: Concepts and Applications. Michigan: Lewis Publishers Inc.
Chapters in books:
BUCHANAN, J.B. (1984) Sediment analysis. In: HOLME, N.A. and MCINTYRE, A.D. (eds.) Methods for the study of marine benthos. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 41-65.
Journal articles:
LASUT, M.T. and PANGKEY, H. (2010) Kepekaan cacing laut Ophryotrocha diadema (Polychaeta: Dorvilleidae) terhadap cemaran metil merkuri (MeHg). Biota, 15 (3), pp. 385-391.
WILLIAMS, T.M., REES, J.G. and SETIAPERMANA, D. (2000) Metals and trace organic compounds in sedimets and waters of Jakarta Bay and the Pulau Seribu Complex, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40 (3), pp. 277-285.
E-journal articles:
DREXHAGE, J. (2004) Still up in the air. Carbon finance, (January), pp. 16-17.
Newspaper articles:
SAEFUMILLAH, A. (2003) Eutrofikasi: problem lingkungan berskala global. Kompas, 28th May, p. 36.
Papers in conference proceedings:
GIBSON, E.J. (1977) The performance concept in building. In: Proceedings of the 7th CIB Triennial Congress, Edinburg, September 1977. London: Construction Research International, pp. 129-136.
Theses and dissertations:
WAHANI, S.S.D. (2011) Kajian konsentrasi logam berat merkuri (Hg) pada beberapa jenis ikan komersil di Sulawesi Utara. Unpublished thesis (MSc), Universitas Sam Ratulangi.
Website, e-mail dan CD-ROM:
UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD LIBRARY (2001) Citing electronic sources of information [WWW] University of Sheffield. Available from: [Accessed 23/02/07].
Tables and illustrations: Tables should be made simple and self-explanatory. Acceptable illustrations are graphic images, schemes, diagrams, and maps; colour is preferred. If using scanned illustrations, a quality of > 300 DPI must be used. Captions, either tables or illustrations, should be brief, independent, and informative.
The manuscript must be typed using Microsoft Word, maximum 15 pages, single column format, A4, double spaced, Times New Roman 12. Do not place tables and illustrations in the text. Tables and illustrations are placed at the end of the manuscript, along with a list of tables and illustrations with clear numbering. A template for layout is provided and could be downloaded (see at the beginning of this section).
A TEMPLATE FOR LAYOUT IS PROVIDED AND CAN BE DOWNLOADED; to download PDF template - click here -, and to download the DOC template - click here -: