Struktur komunitas dan potensi cadangan karbon di kawasan hutan mangrove Desa Malek, Kecamatan Paloh, Kabupaten Sambas, Indonesia (Community structure and potential carbon stock of mangrove forest in Malek Village, Paloh District, Sambas Regency, Indonesia)

Rafdinal Rafdinal, Riza Linda, Adityo Raynaldo


Mangrove forest in Sambas Regency is experiencing several pressures, both naturally and due to land use conversion into settlements, ponds and others. This study aims to analyze the structure of the mangrove community and the existing condition of mangrove forest in Malek Village, Sambas Regency. The research was conducted through vegetation analysis and a remote sensing approach. Estimation of carbon stock was done by using available allometric equations. Remote sensing data used in this study was from Sentinel-2 MSI image. The data was used to obtain information of the area and distribution of mangrove species. Results showed that there were two dominant true mangrove species at the site, namely Avicennia marina (IVI = 212.80) and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (IVI = 187.20). Based on the results of the analysis, the area of mangrove in the location is 368.41 ha, with a dense category of 63.25%, medium 27.55%, and sparse 9.19%. The estimated value of above ground carbon stock of mangrove vegetation ranges from 23.09 ± 2.30 to 49.23 ± 2.59 Mg C ha-1. The mangrove forest area in Malek Village has good potential, it can be assessed from the density of mangroves, area, the thickness of mangroves, minimum damage, and potential carbon stocks stored.


carbon stock; important value index (IVI); ecosystem services; mangrove extent; NDVI

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PUBLISHER: The JASM is published by Pascasarjana, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, in collaboration with the Indonesia of Aquatic Resources Management Association (Asosiasi Pengelola Sumber Daya Perairan Indonesia/SIPESUAR). It is printed in each publication as 'Graduate Program, UNSRAT, Manado, Indonesia – Asosiasi Pengelola Sumber Daya Perairan Indonesia'.

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