ABSTRACT This research is entitled “Deiksis dalam Film God’s Not Dead 2 Karya Harold Cronk”. The aims of this research are to identify and classify the types of deixis and to analyze the usage of deixis in the film God’s Not Dead 2 by Harold Cronk. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The data of deixis have been taken from the sentences in the film God’s Not Dead 2. The data were analyzed based on Levinson theory. The result of this research shows that are five types of deixis in the film God’s Not Dead 2, those are person deixis (first person : I, we, our, my, me, us, ours, myself, and mine ; second person : you, your, and youself ; and third person : she, himself, they, her, him, them, his, he, and their), place deixis : here, field, locker room, parking, sidewalk, class, home, in front of, church, classroom, there, coffee shop, campus, and hospital, time deixis : tonight, this day, 2.000 years ago, last 3 months, 5 minutes, many years earlier, after years, during, other night, and two days, discourse deixis : this, that, it, and those, and social deixis : junior, low man, juror, Your Honor, the touchtone, client, waiter, historic figure, young lady, hostile witness, ladies, gentleman, and Father. Whereas the usage of deixis found in the film God’s Not Dead 2 are symbolic and gestural usage. It is expected that this research will help the students and the other readers in learning the pragmatic aspects, especially about deixis.
Keywords : Pragmatics, Deixis, Film, God’s Not Dead 2
Keywords : Pragmatics, Deixis, Film, God’s Not Dead 2
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