Indri Tesalonika Karundeng, Isnawati L. Wantasen, Donald R. Lotulung



     This research entitled “The Ideas of Anarchism in the novel Max Havelaar by Multatuli and Animal Farm by George Orwell”. The objectives of this study are to identify, analyze and describe how the fundamental ideas of Anarchism are portrayed in both novels and to describe the comparison. These are three fundamental ideas of anarchism based on Alexander Berkman, Peter Kropotkin, and Pierre Joseph Proudhon: first, liberty is the mother of the harmony, second is the chaos comes from authority and compulsion, and third is anarchism means a critic to libertarians and socialists. The idea of anarchis as the approach to this research is to sharpen the depth of thinking about the function of authority in the two novels. The writer describes how the idea of Anarchism manifests in Max Havelaar and Animal Farm. Furthermore, this research is limited to the discovery of the idea of Anarchism. The comparative literary research method is used to emphasize anarchistic ideas in both novels. This research is a qualitative-descriptive research, in which all the data are described in appropriate descriptions. Finally, the results of this study are: first, a peaceful life without rulers exists in Javanese farming communities, and post-rebellion of animals that are all organized well and also with no crime in their lives; second, feudalism and colonialism in Javanese society led to poverty and deadly famine, and the chaotic livestock life under human tyranny was also turned into a terrible slaughter by animals tyranny; and third, strong criticism to the libertarianism of the Dutch government, which still allowed the crimes of its government in Java, and criticism to the failure of the revolution under socialism in Russian Revolution. The results of the comparison are: first, the difference in the portion of the textual explanation, in which the first ideas of anarchism is explained more in Animal Farm than in Max Havelaar; second, the difference in the representation of the form of authority, in which the authority in Max Havelaar refers to the local cultural system and the economic system of colonial capitalism, whereby in Animal Farm refers to the symbolization of the characters of Mr. Jones and Napoleon; third, the difference in the motive of resistance, in which Multatuli uses the character of Max Havelaar as a representation of resistance, while George Orwell uses the whole stories as a satire on social revolution.

Keywords: Anarchism, Max Havelaar, Animal Farm, Multatuli, George Orwell

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