Injilia Tangkau, Isnawati L. Wantasen, Garryn Ch. Ranuntu


TOTALITARIANISME YANG TERCERMIN DALAM FILM THE HUNGER GAMES                                                            (2012)

                                                 Injilia Tangkau1

                                            Isnawaty L. Wantasen2

                                              Garryn Ch. Ranuntu3


      This study entitled Totalitarianism as reflected in The Hunger Games film (2012) focuses on the totalitarianism characteristics that are reflected in the film The Hunger Games through the antagonist character, President Snow. Totalitarianism is a form of political system that demands total control over its society. The problems of this study are to find and point out the totalitarianism characteristics that are reflected in the storyline of the film and how it is reflected through the character in the film. The objectives of this study are to identify and classify the totalitarianism characteristics in the film and to analyze the film The Hunger Games and descriptively explain about the characteristics of a totalitarian leader that are conveyed through the character in the film. The writer uses the theory of Totalitarianism by Arendt (1951) and Characterization theory by Petrie and Boggs (2012. The result of this study is that the totalitarianism characteristics mentioned by Arendt (1951) can be seen throughout the film as well as within the antagonist character, President Snow. ———————————

Keywords: Totalitarianism, government, characterization, film.

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