Amelia Zulha Ekaputri, Donald R. Lotulung, Theresia M.C Lasut



                                (SUATU ANALISIS KONTRASTIF)

                                      Amelia Zulha Ekaputri¹

                                        Donald R. Lotulung²

                                       Theresia M. C. Lasut³



     This research is entitled “Phonemes in English and Ternate Language (A Contrastive Analysis).” It is the requirement for the Sarjana Sastra degree in the Faculty of Humanities Sam Ratulangi University. This research aims to classify, identify, and describe the forms, distribution and phonotactic system of Phonemes in English and Ternate language and to analyze the differences and similarities of phonemes in English and Ternate language by using Yule's (2010), Roach's (2009), Finegan's (2008) and Lado’s (1957) theories. This research uses descriptive method. The English data were collected from 207 Swadesh’s vocabularies and the data of Ternate language were taken from three native speakers. The result of this research shows that in English there are 35 phonemes consisting of 13 vowel phonemes and 22 consonant phonemes and there are 29 phonemes in Ternate language consisting of 11 vowel phonemes, and 18 consonant phonemes. In English, there are 22 patterns of the phonotactic system, while in Ternate language, there are 20 patterns of the phonotactic system that vary in one, two, three, four, and five syllables. The differences in the distribution of vowel phonemes in English and Ternate are seen from the number of phonemes that exist and doesn’t exist at the beginning, middle and end of words. The difference in the pattern of the phonotactic system in English and Ternate is seen from the number of patterns that exist in the basic one-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable, four-syllable and five-syllable basic words which are different in each language. The similarities of phonemes in English and Ternate language are seen in several phonemes that are the same in both languages and the phonemes that exist and don’t exist in the initial, middle or final position. The similarity of the pattern of the phonotactic system in English and Ternate is that there are 7 consonant phonemes at the end of words in English and Ternate, 3 forms of the same phonotactic system pattern in the 2 syllable base words in both languages, namely CVCV, CVCVC, CVCCV. In the three-syllable root words, there is one pattern of the same phonotactic system in English and Ternate, namely VCVCVC.

Keywords: Phonemes, English, Ternate Language, Contrastive Analysis


¹ Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan

² Dosen Pembimbing Materi

³ Dosen Pembimbing Teknis

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