Hayako Rautoy, Donald R. Lotulung, Rosalina Rambing



                                      SUATU ANALISIS KONTRASTIF

                                                 Hayako Rautoy1

                                              Donald R. Lotulung2

                                             Rosalina R. Rambing3


     This research entitled “Fonem dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Pasan (Ratahan): Suatu Analisis Kontrastif’ is the requirement for the Bachelor Degree in Faculty of Humanities Sam Ratulangi University. This research aimed to identifying, classifying and describing phonemes in English as well as in Pasan (Ratahan) language, their distribution processes and phonotactic systems occur in both languages. The writer uses Ladefoged dan Johnson’s theories for finding out the phonemes in English and Pasan (Ratahan) language as well, Finegan’s theory to find out their distribution process and phonotactic systems occur in both languages, also Fisiak’s theory to find out the similarities or differences of phonemes in English and Pasan language as well. The writer uses 207 lists of vocabularies by Swadesh as the basic data to be research. This research uses descriptive qualitative method which are mean to describe and explain the problems that has found. The writer collected English data according to 207 vocabularies of Swadesh, meanwhile Pasan (Ratahan) language data is obtained through interviews with writers’ grandparents whom are fluent in speaking Pasan language. The results of this research show that phonemes found in English are 36 phonemes consisting of 14 vowel and 22 consonant. There are 28 phonemes in Pasan (Ratahan) consisting of 10 vowel and 18 consonant. The results of the distribution process of phonemes in English show that there are some vowel that are not located at the beginning and end of the word, as well as some consonant that are not located in the initial, middle or final position of the word. The result of the distribution process of phonemes in Pasan language also shows that there are some vowel that are not located at the beginning and end of the word, and some consonant are not located at the beginning and end of the word. The pattern of the phonotactic system in English is starting from 2 to 10 patterns of the phonotactic system in 1 to 3 syllables in English words, while the pattern of the phonotactic system in Pasan is starting from 2 to 12 patterns of the phonotactic system in 1 to 5 syllables in Pasan words based on 207 Swadesh’s vocabularies. The writer hopes that this research will be useful to improve the knowledge of readers about phoneme and phonology in linguistics study.

Keywords: Phonemes, English, Pasan Language, A Contrastive Analysis.


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