Wulandari Maria Ampow, Theresia M.C Lasut, Donald R. Lotulung


       NAMA-NAMA KELUARGA DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS DAN BAHASA                                                        TONTEMBOAN

                                   Wulandari Maria Ampow1

                                     Thereesia M.C. Lasut, 2

                                       Donald R, Lotulung 3


     This research entitled “Family names in English and Tontemboan Language (A Contrastive Analysis). The purpose of this study is to identify, classify and describe family names, as well as to find out the similarities and differences between the two languages. This research uses a descriptive method. The data of family names in English were collected from previously researched books and website, whereas Tontemboan language were collected from Minahasa family names book and informans. The data about family names in English and Tontemboan language that had been collected were then identified,classified and analyzed using Mcvetty‟s concept (1984) and Hickerson‟s theory (1980). Then, the data of the two languages were contrasted using Lado‟s theory (1957). The results showed that in English and Tontemboan there were differences, namely in English 4 kinds of family names, such as patronymic, place names, nicknames and occupational names, whereas Tontemboan language found 3 kinds of family names, such as nicknames, place names and occupational names. In English there are 61 kinds family names of patronymic, such as Brannon which means descendants of bran which follows the father‟s first namae, family namae based on place names there are 44 kinds, such as Clifton which includes settlements on the edge a cliff family, names of occupational there are 42 kinds, such as Baker which means baker and family names of nicknames there are 54 kinds such as Courtenay which means short nose. Tontemboan language has 28 kinds of nicknames, such as kandou which means hardworking, family names of place names has 1 kind, such as Polii which means awful and holy place and family names of occupational 44 kinds such as Marentek which means blacksmith. In Tontemboan language, family names have not the kind of the father first names/ patronymic, because in giving a family names in Tontemboan language following the father line (patrilineal). The similarity of family names in English and Tontemboan language have associative and connotative meaning. in English, there are 19 associative and 20 connotative meanings such as Ayers, heir to the throne which associatively becomes autin‟s connotative meaning which means prosperity and family names of Tontemboan language has 44 associative and 38 connotative meanings such as Sondakh represent investigator or peacekeeping intelligence associatively into connotative meaning Sumilat symbolizes warriors who are ready to fend off attack. _________________________________

Keywords: Family Names, English and Tontemboan Language, Contrastive Analysis. 


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