Pelaksanaan Fungsi Pengawasan Inspektorat Daerah Di Kota Manado

T. A. M. Ronny Gosal


Abstracts: The purpose of this study to determine the implementation of the regional inspectorate functions of supervision by the city of Manado. Inspectorate areas as institutional oversight duties have an important role to prevent irregularities governance. In this study using the technique of triangulation analysis. Based on the analysis of the implementation of the monitoring function, especially the Inspectorate office of Manado City, it can be concluded that the implementation of good supervision visits of inspection, testing to the investigation, it has not been effective, this is due to the inaccuracy of the time in monitoring, the data is not accurate deviations found for supervisory personnel in the office of the Inspectorate of the city of Manado. Factors affecting the implementation of the implementation of the monitoring functions of governance in the city of Manado is the apparatus includes officers who have skills, knowledge in handling jobs and besides availability of infrastructure, which supports the implementation of the monitoring carried out by the Inspectorate Office of the city of Manado.   Keywords: Functionality, Implementation, Monitoring.

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