Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pembesaran Jantung Kiri (LVH) pada Mahasiswa Pria Peserta Kepanitraan Klinik Madya Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri sebagai faktor resikoindipenden, juga berperan penting dalam terjadinyagagal jantung. Pembesaran jantung kiri (LVH)sebenarnya merupakan keadaan yang dapat dicegahbila faktor risiko dikendalikan. Beberapa faktorrisiko yang mendorong timbulnya LVH antara lainobesitas, terutama obesitas sentral, keadaaninflamasi, hipertensi, hiperurisemia, dan polahidup seperti merokok, kurangnya aktivitas fisik. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalahuntuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yangmempengaruhi terjadinya LVH pada mahasiswapria peserta Kepaniteraan Klinik Madya FakultasKedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado.Jenis penelitian ini ialah penelitian kuantitatifmetode analitik dengan menggunakan rancangancase-control. Penelitian dilaksanakan di BagianKardiologi RSU Prof dr. RD Kandou Manadodimulai dari Nopember 2014 sampai Januari 2015.Variabel bebas ialah Obesitas Sentral, Hipertensi,Hiperurisemia, Merokok, Kurang Aktivitas Fisiksedangkan variabel terikat adalah PembesaranJantung Kiri. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antarariwayat prehipertensi, merokok, obesitas sentral,kurang aktivitas fisik, dan hiperurisemia denganPembesaran Jantung Kiri dengan menggunakan ujistatistik chi kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa ada hubungan antara riwayat prehipertensi,obesitas sentral, kurang aktivitas fisik, danhiperurisemia dengan Pembesaran Jantung Kiri. Kata Kunci : LVH, Hipertensi, Obesitas Sentral,Hiperurisemia, Aktivitas Fisik.
Abstract Left Ventricular Hypertrophy as anindependent risk factor, also plays an important 3) role in the occurrence of heart failure. Cardiacenlargement (LVH) is actually a state that can beprevented when risk factors are controlled. Somerisk factors that encourage the emergence of LVHinclude obesity, especially central obesity,inflammatory disorders, hypertension,hyperuricemia, and lifestyle such as smoking, lackof physical activity. The aim of this study was todetermine the factors that influence the occurrenceof LVH in the male student participants ClinicalAssociate Registrar of the Faculty of Medicine,University of Sam Ratulangi. This type of researchis quantitative research analytical method using acase-control design. The experiment was conductedat Hospital Cardiology Section Prof. dr. RDKandou Manado starting from November 2014 toJanuary 2015. The independent variables arecentral obesity, hypertension, hyperuricaemia,smoking, lack of physical activity while thedependent variable is the Enlarged Heart Left. Todetermine the relationship betweenprehypertension history, smoking, central obesity,lack of physical activity, and hyperuricemia withLeft Heart Enlargement using the chi squared test.The results showed that there is a relationshipbetween prehypertension history, central obesity,lack of physical activity, and hyperuricemia withLeft Heart enlargement.
Keywords: LVH, Hypertension, Central Obesity,Hyperuricaemia, Physical Activity
Abstract Left Ventricular Hypertrophy as anindependent risk factor, also plays an important 3) role in the occurrence of heart failure. Cardiacenlargement (LVH) is actually a state that can beprevented when risk factors are controlled. Somerisk factors that encourage the emergence of LVHinclude obesity, especially central obesity,inflammatory disorders, hypertension,hyperuricemia, and lifestyle such as smoking, lackof physical activity. The aim of this study was todetermine the factors that influence the occurrenceof LVH in the male student participants ClinicalAssociate Registrar of the Faculty of Medicine,University of Sam Ratulangi. This type of researchis quantitative research analytical method using acase-control design. The experiment was conductedat Hospital Cardiology Section Prof. dr. RDKandou Manado starting from November 2014 toJanuary 2015. The independent variables arecentral obesity, hypertension, hyperuricaemia,smoking, lack of physical activity while thedependent variable is the Enlarged Heart Left. Todetermine the relationship betweenprehypertension history, smoking, central obesity,lack of physical activity, and hyperuricemia withLeft Heart Enlargement using the chi squared test.The results showed that there is a relationshipbetween prehypertension history, central obesity,lack of physical activity, and hyperuricemia withLeft Heart enlargement.
Keywords: LVH, Hypertension, Central Obesity,Hyperuricaemia, Physical Activity
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