Giano Just Eman, Janno B B Berrnadus, Angle Sorisi


Abstrak: Nyamuk Culex spp sudah tersebar luas di berbagai belahan dunia dari daerah tropis hingga sub tropis, dan merupakan nyamuk pembawa vektor penyakit. Kota Bitung sebagai kota pelabuhan memungkinkan penyebaran penyakit filariasis dan arbovirus dari nyamuk Culex spp serta data tentang nyamuk Culex spp sebagai vektor masih kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui data populasi nyamuk Culex spp di perumahan sekitar pelabuhan Bitung. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif cross-sectional untuk mendapatkan gambaran deskriptif populasi nyamuk Culex spp di daerah perumahan sekitar pelabuhan Bitung. Berdasarkan penelitian di daerah perumahan sekitar Pelabuhan Bitung adalah daerah dengan sanitasi yang rendah. pada Bulan Oktober – November 2016 dengan metode penangkapan sweepping, didapatkan 116 nyamuk diantaranya, Culex quinquefasciatus sebanyak 115 nyamuk (99,1%), dan Aedes ageptyi sebanyak 1 nyamuk (0,9%).  Bedasarkan jenis kelamin, 66 nyamuk jantan (57,8%) dan 49 nyamuk betina (42,2%). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa 99,1% nyamuk yang ditangkap adalah nyamuk Culex spp dari spesies Culex quinquefasciatus.

Kata Kunci: Nyamuk, Culex spp, Survei

Abstract: Mosquito Culex spp already widespread in many parts of the world from the tropics to the sub-tropical, and is a vector of disease-carrying mosquitoes. Bitung city as a port city enabling the spread of filariasis and arbovirus of the mosquito Culex spp and Culex spp data about mosquitoes as vectors still lacking. The purpose of this study is Knowing Culex spp mosquito population data on the housing around the port of Bitung. This study used a descriptive cross-sectional study to get an overview of descriptive spp Culex mosquito populations in the residential area around the port of Bitung. Based on research in the residential area around the Port of Bitung is an area with low sanitation. on month from October to November 2016, with fishing methods sweepping, found 116 mosquitoes of them, as many as 115 mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (99.1%), and as many as one mosquito Aedes ageptyi (0.9%). Based on gender, 66 males (57.8%) and 49 female mosquitoes (42.2%). Thus, it can be concluded that 99.1% of mosquitoes were captured is Culex spp mosquitoes of the species Culex quinquefasciatus.

Key Word: Mosquito, Culex spp, Survey

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