Erick Hartawan, Delfin Liu, Marc Richardo Handoko, Geraldo Evan, Handyanto Widjojo



Abstract: In line with the development of Instagram usage as social media, many companies advertise their offerings through Instagram to build consumers’ purchase intention through e-commerce. This research aims to explore and identify the factors on Instagram ads that significantly influence purchase intention on e-commerce. Mixed-methods are conducted through interviews, focus group discussion, literature review, and survey. The findings show that promotion, image, and information on Instagram significantly influence purchase intention through e-commerce. The e-commerce companies could benefit from the research findings to optimize their marketing communicationand increase the e-commerce transaction.    

Abstrak: Dengan semakin berkembangnya penggunaan Instagram sebagai media sosial, maka banyak perusahaan yang memasang iklan pada Instagram untuk membangun keinginan membeli konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali faktor-faktor pada iklan di Instagram yang mempengaruhi minat membeli melalui e-commerce. Pendekatan mixed-methods dilakukan melalui wawancara, focus group discussion, tinjauan pustaka, dan survey. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh faktor promosi, gambar dan informasi pada iklan di Instagram terhadap intensi pembelian melalui e-commerce. Perusahaan e-commerce dapat meningkatkan transaksi e-commerce dengan mengoptimalkan faktor-faktor tersebut dalam strategi komunikasi pemasarannya

Keywords: Instagram, e-commerce, promotion, image, information  


Kata Kunci: Instagram, e-commerce, promosi, gambar, informasi

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