Reaksi Pasar Modal Terhadap Disahkannya RUU Cipta Kerja Menjadi Undang-Undang Pada Emiten Perbankan

Rivaldy Romanov Pitoy, Ivonne S. Saerang, Joy Elly Tulung


The capital market is an important vehicle in the economy
which functions to mobilize funds from the public to the productive
sector. Information disclosure plays an important role in capital
market activities because the information received by capital market
players is input in to make decisions to move forward rationally. The
event that the Draft Job Creation Law was passed into a Law has pros
and cons in both the national community and the international
community. This event is an important economic event because it can
influence business actors to take the next business- related step. The
purpose of this study is to measure whether the events of the
legalization of the Job Creation Bill have a significant impact on the
capital market in terms of Abnormal Return and Trading Volume
Activity. The observation period was carried out for 14 days before
and 14 days after the event. This type of quantitative research uses
comparative methods. The sampling method used is purposive
sampling, with a total of 32 banking sector companies listed on the
Indonesian stock exchange. The results of the research show that the
incident of the passage of the Job Creation Bill into a Law contains
information that causes the market to react.

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