Anne Marranu, Joudy Gessal


ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which persons present with a range of impairments in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal     communication, as well as restrictions in behaviors and interests. Additionally, the majority of the children with ASD may have significant perceptuo-motor impairments    that deserve assessments and interventions.1 Autism spectrum is estimated to affect about 1% of people (62.2 million globally as of 2015).2 Males are diagnosed more often than females. The term "spectrum" can refer to the range of symptoms or their severity, leading some to favor  a distinction between severely disabled autistics who cannot speak or look after themselves, and higher functioning autistics.3 There is no known cure for autism, although those with Asperger syndrome and    those who have autism and require little-to-no support are more likely to experience a lessening of symptoms over time. The main goals of treatment are to lessen associated deficits and family distress, and to increase quality of life and functional independence.8 We report the rehabilitative course of 3 years and 4 month old boy, who came to the PMR department brought by his parents with chief complaint cannot communicate and have limited eye contact with people

Key Words: autism spectrum disorder, neurodevelopmental disorder, asperger syndrome

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