Analisis Anisotropi Suseptibilitas Magnetik Batuan Beku Lengan Utara Sulawesi

Melisa Rongkonusa, Gerald Tamuntuan, Guntur Pasau


Telah dilakukan  penelitian untuk menentukan pola anisotropi suseptibilitas magnetik dan status singkapan batuan beku dari pola yang diperoleh. Pengukuran anisotropi suseptibilitas magnetic dilakukan pada lima sampel batuan beku dari Sulawesi Utara menggunakan Bartington MS2B. Arah pengukuran sampel disesuaikan dengan desain Tauxe. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa suseptibilitas maksimum terdistribusi disekitar  arah  utara dan timur. Sedangkan suseptibilitas intermediet dan minimum terdistribusi disekitar Utara-Timur dan Timur-Selatan. Elipsoida suseptibilitas  cenderung  prolate atau lebih lonjong. Batuan beku yang dianalisis merupakan kelompok batuan terobosan yang mekanisme lelehannya terjadi secara vertikal.

A research has been conducted to determine the anisotropic pattern of magnetic susceptibility and the status of igneous rocks exposure from the obtained pattern. We have measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility on five samples of igneous rock from North Sulawesi by Bartington MS2B. The position of samples were adjusted according to the Tauxe’s design. The result shows that the maximum susceptibility is distributed around northward and eastward, while the intermediate and minimum susceptibility are distributed around nortward-eastward and eastward-southward. The susceptibility ellipsoid tends to be prolate or more oval. This shows that the igneous rocks that have been analyzed are group of intrusive rocks which melting mechanism occurs through vertical fracture.enetie

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