Distribusi Dan Diversitas Serangga Tanah Di Taman Hutan Raya Gunung Tumpa Sulawesi Utara

Mailani Basna, Roni Koneri, Adelfia Papu


Serangga tanah merupakan jenis dari serangga yang seluruh atau sebagian hidupnya berada di tanah. Serangga tanah berperan penting dalam ekosistem yaitu membantu proses pelapukan bahan organik dan keberadaan serta aktivitasnya berpengaruh positif terhadap sifat kimia fisik tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji distribusi dan diversitas serangga tanah di Gunung Tumpa, Sulawesi Utara. Lokasi pengambilan sampel terdiri dari tiga tipe habitat yaitu, hutan primer, hutan sekunder dan lahan perkebunan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan perangkap sumuran (Pitfall trap). Hasil penelitian  ditemukan serangga tanah sebanyak 10 ordo, 23 famili, 28 genus, 33 morfospesies dan 21100 individu.  Ordo Hymenoptera didominasi oleh famili Formicidae. Pola distribusi serangga tanah di Gunung Tumpa berkelompok. Indeks diversitas spesies di Gunung Tumpa tergolong sedang (H = 2,62). Kelimpahan spesies dan indeks diversitas spesies serangga tanah tertinggi ditemukan pada hutan primer, sedangkan yang terendah pada lahan perkebunan dan hutan sekunder.

Soil Insects is a type of insect that all or part of his life was on the ground. Soil insects plays an important role in the ecosystem that is helping the process of weathering and the presence of organic matter as well as its activities towards the positive effect of physical chemical properties of the soil. This research aims to identify, examine the distribution and diversity of insects land on Mount Tumpa, North Sulawesi. Location of sampling consists of three types of habitat i.e., primary forest, secondary forest and plantations. The technique of sampling using Pitfall trap. Results of the study found as many as 10 soil insect orders, 23 families, 28 genera, 33 morfospesies and 21100 individuals. The order of Hymenoptera is dominated by the Formicidae. The pattern of soil insect distribution in Gunung Tumpa is clumped. Index of species diversity in Mt. Tumpa belongs to moderate (H = 2.62). The highest abudance and diversity index of soil insect species were found in primary forest, while the lowest was on plantation and secondary forest.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/jm.6.1.2017.16082


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