Karakteristik Fisiko Kimia Dan Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon Ikan Julung (Hemirhampus marginatus) Asap Cair Cangkang Pala

Netty Salindeho, Engel Pandey


Tujuan penelitian yaitu: menentukan konsentrasi dan lama perendaman dalam larutan asap cair yang optimum melalui percobaan untuk mengaplikasikan asap cair hasil pirolisis cangkang pala pada pengawetan ikan julung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Aw tertinggi pada  perendaman 90 menit dengan konsentrasi larutan asap cair 10 %. Kadar air tertinggi pada lama perendaman  90 menit dengan konsentrasi larutan asap cair  15 % yaitu 26,34 %. dan kadar protein tertinggi yaitu 54,23 % pada lama perendaman 30 menit pada konsentrasi larutan asap cair 10 % kadar lemak terendah 1,21 % pada lama perendaman 90 menit pada konsentrasi asap cair 5 % dan kadar abu terendah pada lama perendaman 60  menit dengan konsentrasi asap cair 10 % yaitu 1,12 %. Hasil penelitian julung asap cair pada lama perendaman 30 dengan konsentrasi 5 %, 10 % dan 15 % menunjukkan bahwa kandungan total PAH paling rendah dihasilkan pada konsentrasi larutan asap cair 5 % di ikuti oleh pengasapan cair dengan konsentrasi larutan asap cair 10 %, dan 15 %

The purpose of this research is to determine the optimum concentration and soaking time in a liquid smoke solution through an experiment to apply liquid smoke from the pyrolysis of nutmeg shells to the preservation of julung fish. The results showed that the highest Aw value at 90 minutes immersion with a liquid smoke concentration of 10%. The highest water content in the 90 minute immersion with a liquid smoke concentration of 15% is 26.34%. and the highest protein content is 54.23% at 30 minutes soaking time at the concentration of liquid smoke solution 10% the lowest fat content is 1.21% at 90 minutes soaking time at 5% liquid smoke concentration and the lowest ash content at 60 minutes soaking time with concentration liquid smoke 10% which is 1.12%. The results of the liquid smoke rolls in the immersion period 30 with concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% showed that the lowest total PAH content was produced at a concentration of 5% liquid smoke solution followed by liquid fuming with a concentration of liquid smoke solution of 10%, and 15%

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/jmuo.8.3.2019.26194


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