Analisis Distribusi Frekuensi-Magnitudo Gempabumi Di Wilayah Sulawesi Utara

Sarah Selviana Homer, Guntur Pasau, Ferdy .


Analisis Distribusi Frekuensi-Magnitudo Gempa Bumi di Wilayah Sulawesi Utara telah dilakukan. Analisis Distribusi Frekuensi-Magnitudo Gempa Bumi menggunakan metode maximum likelihood merupakan upaya mitigasi dalam menentukan nilai parameter gempa (nilai ɑ-b), perulangan gempa merusak, serta daerah berpotensi gempa merusak. Hasil data ANSS menunjukan bahwa pada timur (dalam arah utara-selatan) mempunyai nilai ɑ-b yang lebih rendah dibandingkan barat wilayah SULUT, dengan nilai masing-masing sekitar 7-7,8 dan 0,8-1,5. Hasil perhitungan perulangan gempa merusak (Magnitudo Mw = 7) sekitar 15-20 tahun. Daerah berpotensi gempa merusak adalah : Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro, kota Bitung (terutama kecamatan Lembah Utara dan Selatan).

Analysis of Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of earthquakes in North Sulawesi region has been performed. Analysis of Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of earthquakes using the maximum likelihood method in determining the value of mitigating earthquake parameters (values ​​ɑ-b), recurrence earthquake damage, as well as the potential area of ​​earthquake damage. Data of ANSS is showed that in east (in the direction north-south) has lower than of a-b that that in the western area of ​​North Sulawesi, with each value of around 7 to 7.8 and from 0.8 to 1.5. Calculation of recurrence earthquake damage (Magnitude Mw = 7) resulted in a period of 15-20 years old. Areas with potential earhquake damage are: District Sangihe Islands, Islands District Sitaro, Bitung city (especially north and south valley districts).

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