Isman Sapsuha, Royke M Rampengan, Esry T Opa, Hermanto K Manengkey, Wilmy E Pelle, Ferdinand F Tilaar


Beach slope and sediment granulometry  is one of the importat aspect in coastal management.  Beach offers a variety of functions and potential to be utilized. In the interests of phisical use in the beach, coastal structure in the form of groynes has been built. Actually, the groin has been used as a dock. This research was conducted with the aim of revealing the slope and granulometry sediment in Tanjung Merah beach. The results obtained, the beach slope is considered sloping and very sloping, the composition of the sediment consists mainly  of medium sand, fine sand and very fine sand. Sediment distribution analysis obtained results, the main grain size was mainly in the form of medium sand, sorting was mainly classified as poor, skewness was mostly asymmetrie strong to large size, most curtosis was mesokurtic. The results of the study indicate the occurrence of the process of erosion and deposition ia certain spaces on the beach studied.

Keywords: Tanjung Merah, beach slope, sediment granulometryKemiringan lereng dan granulometri sedimen gisik merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pengelolaan pantai. Gisik menawarkan beragam fungsi dan potensi untuk dimanfaatkan. Dalam kepentingan pemanfaatan lahan gisik, berbagai modifikasi dilakukan oleh manusia. Pada gisik di Tanjung Merah, telah dibangun struktur pantai berupa groin. Secara aktual, groin tersebut telah difunsikan sebagai dermaga. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengungkapkan kemiringan dan granulometri sedimen di gisik Tanjung Merah. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, lereng gisik terkriteria miring dan sangat miring, komposisi sedimen terutama terdiri dari pasir sedang, pasir halus, dan pasir sangat halus. Analisis distribusi memperoleh hasil, rataan empirik terutama berupa pasir sedang, penyortiran terutama terklasifikasi buruk, kemencengan terbanyak berupa asimetris kuat ke ukuran besar, peruncingan terbanyak berupa mesokurtik. Hasil studi mengindikasikan terjadi proses erosi dan deposisi pada ruang-ruang tertentu di gisik yang ditelaah.Kata kunci : Tanjung Merah, kemiringan lereng, granulometri sedimen

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