Konflik Sosial Jemaat Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera Pasca Pemilihan Gubernur Maluku Utara

Maichel Seivo Labobar


Indonesia adopts a democratic system in  goverment. Some issue from useing democracy system in Indonesia which is the Regional Heads Electing (Direct electing). Although  Religion was a  vehicle to achieve purpose of these  groups. Purpose to analizing  the occured  from the impact of Internal Conflict  in Evangelican Christian Church in 2013.

The result of this research indicate social conflict in  Evangelican Christian Church post North Maluku Governor's electing  in 2013, explicity and clearly commited by BPHS result in dorume  that GMIH reform movement arose by elments of regional heads who lost in governor direct electing battle in North Maluku with utilised constituent to breakdown the solidarity in GMIH life. The suggestion of this research would give an impact toward church organisation included the pastors and church commitee should not engage into  practically politic's activity or become politics commitee. Pastors who had structurally ocuppation should not involved in  the pratical politics ( take care the Party, to be a candidate of Council, KPU, and Regent /Vise Regent, Governor/Vise Governor). Local Goverment in this case North Halmahera Regent and Local Citizen Council Delegation (DPRD) must quick respons to watch Church complication problems and find out the right solution.

Keywords : Social Conflict, The Governor’s Election, Democracy

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Jurnal Ilmiah Society ISSN 2337-4004

Jurusan Sosiologi

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik 

Universitas Sam Ratulangi 

Gedung A lt. 1