Singyee Mintalangi, Paul A.T Kawatu, Sekplin A.S Sekeon


Faktor penyebab  kecelakaan kerja disebabkan oleh faktor manusia dan  faktor lingkungan (Suma’mur, 2009). Faktor lingkungan berupa keadaan lingkungan yang tidak aman, seperti mesin tanpa pengaman, peralatan kerja yang sudah tidak baik tetapi masih dipakai, cuaca, dan kondisi disekitar tempat kerja lainnya. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada Hubungan antara persepsi lingkungan kerja dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja di PT. Tropica Cocoprima Desa Lelema Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional yang bersifat cross sectional dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Populasi yang ada dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 252 responden. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei analitik dengan rancangan penelitian studi potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara simple random sampling sehingga didapati 100 sampel. Digunakan kuesioner untuk mengukur persepsi lingkungan kerja dan kecelakaan kerja. Berdasarkan uji chi square didapati bahwa ada hubungan antara persepsi lingkungan kerja dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja dengan nilai p=0,000  . Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu responden yang memiliki persepsi lingkungan baik sebanyak 55% dan persepsi kurang baik sebanyak 45%. Responden yang pernah mengalami kecelakaan kerja sebanyak 52% dan tidak pernah  mengalami kecelakaan kerja sebanyak 48%. Ada Hubungan antara persepsi lingkungan kerja dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja di PT. Tropica Cocoprima Desa Lelema Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan.


Kata Kunci: Kecelakaan kerja, Lingkungan kerja, Persepsi pekerja.



Factors causing work accidents are caused by human factors and environmental factors (Suma'mur, 2009). Environmental factors in the form of unsafe environmental conditions, such as machines without safety, work equipment that is not good but still used, weather, and conditions around other workplaces.
This study aims to determine the relationship between the perception of the work environment and the incidence of workplace accidents in workers at PT. Tropica Cocoprima, Lelema Village, South Minahasa Regency. The study used was observational which was cross sectional by using primary and secondary data collection methods. The population is 252 respondents. This study is an analytical survey research with cross sectional study design. Sampling was done by simple random sampling so that 100 samples were found. A questionnaire was used to measure perceptions of the work environment and workplace accidents.
Based on the chi square test, it was found that there was a relationship between the perception of the work environment and the incidence of workplace accidents with a value of p = 0,000. The conclusion of this study is that respondents who have a good perception of the environment as much as 55% and perception is not as good as 45%. Respondents who had experienced work accidents were 52% and had never experienced work accidents as much as 48%. There is a relationship between the perception of the work environment and the incidence of workplace accidents in workers at PT. Tropica Cocoprima, Lelema Village, South Minahasa Regency Pay more attention to the conditions of the working environment so that workers are comfortable working in the company environment and can avoid the incidence of work accidents.


Keywords: Work accident, work environment,Perception of workers.

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