Putri Priscila Maria Walintukan, Rahayu H. Akili, Sri Seprianto Maddusa


Nasi kuning merupakan pangan olahan yang memiliki warna yang menarik dan dikonsumsi banyak orang. Sanitasinya pun harus terjaga agar tetap memiliki zat gizi dan tidak menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Menurut Badan POM (2016) dari 8.950 sampel pangan yang disampling di beberapa pasar di Indonesia, sebanyak 537 sampel tidak memenuhi syarat salah satunya mengandung Methanyl yellow. Pewarna sintetik Methanyl yellow berbahaya karena menimbulkan keracunan bahkan merusak sistem jaringan hati dan kanker kandung kemih. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat kandungan Methanyl yellow pada Nasi kuning yang dijual di Pasar Karombasan, Pasar Bersehati dan di Kelurahan Komo Luar Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif berbasis laboratorium. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada Juni – Oktober 2019. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 20 nasi kuning. Instrumen penelitian dalam pemeriksaan laboratorium menggunakan Test Kit Methanyl yellow. Hasil penelitian dari 20 sampel nasi kuning yang diambil terbukti negatif Methanyl yellow. Kesimpulannya dari 20 sampel nasi kuning yang dijual di Pasar Karombasan, Pasar Bersehati dan Kelurahan Komo Luar Kota Manado aman untuk dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat karena menggunakan pewarna alami yang sesuai dengan Permenkes RI  Nomor 033 Tahun 2012 Tentang Bahan Tambahan Pangan.


Kata Kunci: Methanyl yellow, Nasi Kuning, Pasar Karombasan, Pasar Bersehati, Kelurahan Komo Luar.



Yellow rice is a typical processed food that has an attractive color and consumed by many people. The sanitation of these foods must be maintained in order to keep the  nutrients and not to cause health problems. According to The National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Republic of Indonesia (2016) of 8,950 food samples that sampling in several market in Indonesia, 537 samples did not meet the requirements (Not Eligible), one of which was a dangerous coloring agent Methanyl yellow. Synthetic dyes of Methanyl yellow are harmful to health that it is causing poisoning and even damaging the liver tissue system and causing bladder cancer. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is Methanyl yellow content in yellow rice which is on sale in Karombasan Market, Bersehati Market and in Komo Luar Village, Manado City. This type of research is a Laboratory-based descriptive research. The time of the research is from June to October 2019. The sample in this research were 20 yellow rice. The research instrument in Laboratory tests uses the Methanyl yellow Test Kit. The results of 20 yellow rice samples taken were proven to be negative Methanyl yellow. The conclusion from 20 sample of Yellow rice which is on sale at Karombasan Market, Bersehati Market and Komo Luar Village, Manado City is still safe for consumption by the community because it uses natural dyes in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation of The Republic of Indonesia Law Number. 033 of 2012 concerning Food Additives.


Keywords: Methanyl yellow, Yellow Rice, Karombasan Market, Bersehati Market, Komo Luar Village

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